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What To Change In Wpi.cmd For Hd Install

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I was wondering what I needed to change in the wpi.cmd script that came with WPI in order to get it to run from C:\Install\WPI instead of off a CD? The cd and font part have me really confused.

What do I need to change in here:

REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have a file called WIN51 in its root.

for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WIN51 set CDROM=%%i:

echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM%

REM Determine the WPI startup path.

set WPIPATH=%SystemDrive%\Install\WPI

echo WPI will run from %WPIPATH%

REM Font installation - the easy way

for /R %%i in ( *.ttf ) do (

echo Installing font %%~ni.ttf

copy /Y "%%~fi" "%windir%\Fonts" > nul

"%WPIPATH%\common\installfont.exe" "%windir%\Fonts\%%~ni.ttf" > nul


Any help would be very much appreciated! Thanks :)

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REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have a file called WIN51 in its root.
for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WIN51 set CDROM=%%i:
echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM%

thats only searching for a file on a drive, just tell it a different file, or give it a different path to search instead of each drive letter, u could have it search folders or anything

type FOR /? in command prompt :)

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so should I just point it to C or a certain file on C: ? Will the Font part of the WPI.cmd work ok the way it is now if its going to run off of the C: drive? :huh:

Does anyone who has run it from their hard drive have an example of their wpi.cmd file that they could post. If I can see an example, then I will be able to figure it out.

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The example wpi.cmd:

REM Determine the WPI startup path. 
REM If WPI should run off the CD the replace %dp0 with %CDROM%\PathToWPI
set WPIPATH=%~dp0
echo WPI will run from %WPIPATH%

This cryptic %~dp0 says "directory from where this skript (wpi.cmd) is run". The commentDO NOT WANT to run it from CD.

I (WPI author) do not run it from CD, and the original wpi.cmd does it for my purposes. The whole CDROM-thing is just for demonstration. You can also COMPLETELY IGNORE the fnt and registry thing.

If we cut it down, the skript will say:

set WPIPATH=%~dp0    --> = current wpi.cmd's drive:\directory !
for /F "delims=: tokens=1" %%i in ("%WPIPATH%") DO %%i: --> change to that drive
cd "%WPIPATH%"   --> change directory
start /wait WPI.hta

I know it's cryptic, but that's the way with shell skripts. As long as WPIPATH gets set correctly, you wouldn't have to care for anything else.

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