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Setting Desktop For All Users

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I am trying to set the wallpaper and style for all users.

I have edited the registry to select the correct wallpaper but I also need it to be streched which is "Wallpaper Style=2" although the wallpaper does not stretch.

Have any ideas?


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Not sure how to create a template with desktop settings to add to the default user. Is there a single file I can place in the default user or are you suggesting to take the profile of user and copy it over the default user?

Thanks for your help

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  • 1 year later...

Wow and old one but I think it might help some one else out.

Create a user account. Log on as that account and set up the computer exactly the way you want all users to have it set up for them.

Reboot, log in as administrator. Open C:\documents and settings\xxxxx\cookies. Delete Index.dat

Right Click My Computer, Left Click Properties, go to Advanced, User Profiles, Settings. Click on your configuration username and choose Copy To

Set the path to C:\documents and settings\default user. Set permitted to change to Everyone. Once this is complete, whoever logs in to the computer will have the same back ground, until they change it for themselves that is. And any settings will be customized for that default configuration until the user changes them.

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  • 2 months later...

thank you very much . works very well on my home computer.

but , on one computer at my work

the copy to button is disabled

for the Administrator account

even i am logged with another account

with administrative privilegies.

(i want to copy there the Administrator

settings for other user.)

is there a solution ?

or maybe i miss something ?

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry, didn't read fully. To copy the administrator settings you should log on as another profile and then go to documents and settings and do a manual copy of the files from the administrator account to the other account. Be sure to delete the cookies prior to the copy.

P.S. this will not replace any settings that have already been customized in anyones profile. You will have to delete those profiles and have them recreated.

Edited by saintsfanbrian
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