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I have a Foxconn 755 board (despite its slow USB capabilitys) set up with 120GB SATA Mirroring RAID on a server. As the machine does not have a local user, how can i have the machine email me if/when their is a problem with the RAID?

Many Thanks in Anticipation


What? Like having a daily scheduled task to check if the RAID still exists, and if it doesn't then send an email. Yeah that would be a nice peice of script, and probably simple to put toggether under Linux, however, this machine is running Windows (cold shudder)! Do you or anyone know of any of these scripts or similar available?



Excellent, Thank You.

However the server is running exchange, so I dont think the information will be completely relevant as i was planning on routing mail through the standard MAPI protocol, as apposed to sending it out directly.

I like the thinking of using a scheduled program that can start a script which can report the latest RAID configaration in an email. My local mail filter (Thank you, Thunderbird) can then report me of any important changes to this structure. Should i use something like Visual Studio .NET to construct such a script? or, Do you have any other suggestions?

Should i use something like Visual Studio .NET to construct such a script?

My two cents, and remember I might be just too old and thus old fashioned, but what about a good old batch file, together with some command line program you can surely find on the internet?

I mean, I understand that .Net has all the bells and whistles, but you don't use a cannon to shoot a fly, don't you?



I dont know much about RAID in general but i am using the Silicon 3114 chipset and it recommends me to download a java executable that installs some java app and runs my raid using software... inside the program it has a section setup to automatically email me if there is a problem...



Hey, I too am using the Silicon 3114 chipset. Do you know the name, of the java app, or who it is made by Cytomax?


Thanks Eddie, a colleague had tried using that software on the machine previously to configure the RAID and could not do it, as the drives did not appear. I then set the RAID up with the software from the Motherboard CD, and Windows reported that the RAID was working correctly. I then tried loading the Java_RAID_GUI-113 software, the drives still did not appear and it crashed the machine! Shortly after I uninstalled the software to stop my colleague crashing the machine further.

I think ill need to go back to my previous idea of having a short script that monitors the log files created by windows. That way when there is any warnings (including RAID related) i can be emailed of the activity.

Iv looked at building a batch file, but it doesnt appear to have the right commands to monitor log files, or email(can i be corrected?) like BASH!

Should i look at this by getting a linux box on the network to monitor the log files of the Windows Server?

Or should i build the script in .Net and use all the bells and whistles?

Im open to all suggestions!


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