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Making windows SPYWARE SAFE via registry

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I grabbed WGET and made a batch as follows:

cmdow @ /HID
@echo off

for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WIN51 set CDROM=%%i:

REM Download blocklist.reg
CALL %CDROM%\WGET\wget.exe -P %systemdrive%\Install -N http://www.spywareguide.com/blocklist.reg -q

EGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Install\blocklist.reg


This works good, but is there a way to apply the .reg only if the file contains some specified info on say line 5. some sort of IF COMP = OK apply .reg. Why I'm asking is because if someone should upload a bad blocklist.reg, I dont want it to be applied. Therefore comparing the files comments at the top before applying would be a good idea.

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WGET.exe DOWNLOAD blocklist.reg TO %systemdrive%\install OVERWRITE IF NEWER ON SERVER


COMPARE LINE 5 IN FILE %CDROM%\blocklist.reg %systemdrive%\install\blocklist.reg = OK


REGEDIT /S %systmedrive\install\blocklist.reg


REGEDIT /S %CDROM%\blocklist.reg



That's an explanation of what i want the batch to do.

Why? Simply check if the file that was automaticly downloaded has the same header (Line 5) for a bit security. I mean this script now just downloads and implements a .reg file regardless of content.

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In circumstances like this I usually do a compare on the date modified property of the two files. I almost exclusively script with VBscript however so I'm not really sure how it would be done in batch.

The date created and date accessed are obviously useless, but the date modified is usually a pretty reliable method for comparison.

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Yep, I am using the some method in my update batch script - it is comparing date of file on server and local machine...

and it's using timestamping for comparing the files

all i can say is that your batch files are working great

if you need to update alot of spyware, txt files and stuff like me, the soulin script's are made for you :thumbup

what i did use before whas this:

wget -q -t 2 -N https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/ehowes/www/res/ie-spyad.zip

unzip -q -o -u ie-spyad.zip -d temp

start /w REGEDIT /S temp\ie-ads-uninst.reg

start /w REGEDIT /S temp\ie-ads.reg

the one thing i cant figure out is, to let regedit only ad the reg files if they are new.(some sort of timestamping to)

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