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Picasa 2 Silent Install?


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I've had a few problems with using your .msi. The main/only problem being that after installing uAXP and them calling your msi from RunOnceEx, it all installs fine. However after the first reboot my CD drive dissapered from My Computer and could not be accessed anyother way. This occured on both a VM machine and a real computer.

I've gone back to using the /S switch and

cmdow @ /HID
@echo off

TASKKILL.EXE /F /IM Picasa2.exe
TASKKILL.EXE /F /IM PicasaMediaDetector.exe

del %0

to kill of Picasa when it tries to start itself after installing, also stopped it from opening IE, by not having IE and having no defualt browser setup during the install so it can't open the picasa webpage

If you have Windows XP Home there is no taskkill.exe I did find a free system tool alternative called "pskill.exe" which actually does a good job.


REG ADD %KEY%\061 /VE /D "Picasa (Google-Picture)" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\061 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Picasa\picasa2-current.exe /S /D=C:\Winapp\Picasa" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\061 /V 2 /D "pskill.exe Picasa2.exe" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\061 /V 3 /D "pskill.exe PicasaMediaDetector.exe" /f

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  • 6 months later...

For those that rather use original setup EXE here is an AutoIt script to install your Picasa silently

$exe_file_name = "picasa2-current.exe"

RunWait (@ScriptDir & "\" & $exe_file_name & " /S",@ScriptDir)

Local $i = 0 ; counter for time passed (fail safe way to end script after some amount of time
Local $epicasa = 0; will be 1 if Picasa was executed (started)
Local $edetector = 0; will be 1 if Picasa was executed (started)
Local $kpicasa = 0; will be 1 if Picasa was killed (stoped)
Local $kdetector = 0; will be 1 if Picasa was killed (stoped)

; as long as bouth weren't killed and it hasn't passed 60 * 0,5 seconds
While (Not(($kdetector) And ($kpicasa)) And ($i < 60))

;if Picasa2 is started mark it started and try to close it
If ProcessExists("Picasa2.exe") Then
$epicasa = 1

;if PicasaMediaDetector is started mark it started and try to close it
If ProcessExists("PicasaMediaDetector.exe") Then
$edetector = 1

; if applications were started and don't exist anymore, mark them killed
If (($epicasa) And Not(ProcessExists("Picasa2.exe"))) Then $kpicasa=1
If (($edetector) And Not(ProcessExists("PicasaMediaDetector.exe"))) Then $kdetector=1

;wait 0,5 seconds then increase timer
Sleep (500)
$i = $i + 1

At the start of this code there is a $exe_file_name variable. Change it to your setup.exe and compile the script.

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