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Posted (edited)

Does anyone else call WPI from cmdlines.txt?

I'm pretty sure this is how to do it, and it allows running WPI off the CD too!


"REGEDIT /S ..\Tweaks\RegTweaks.reg"


cmdow @ /HID


for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WIN51 set CDROM=%%i:

regedit /S wpi.reg

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\WPI\WPI.hta" /f


Edited by a06lp

Hi, just wondered if the wpi.hta displayed properly on the 640x480 screen alright. Or if you might be able to change it anyway.



what in the world does this have to do with the topic?

what in the world does this have to do with the topic?
Well when I run stuff in the cmdlines.txt, it normaly runs there and then which means what I thought was a 640x480 resolution by default. Am I not correct?

I tried to put the code in any how, but I could not get it to work so I can not confirm my comments...







cmdow @ /HID


for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WIN51 set CDROM=%%i:

regedit /S %systemdrive%\install\wpi\wpi.reg

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\7z413b.exe -y /q /r:n" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 2 /D "%systemdrive%\install\wpi\WPI.hta" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 3 /D "%cdrom%\Software\cleanup.cmd" /f




this code in cmdlines.txt is NOT running immediatly - it is adding it to RunOnceEx, which runs later (at first logon).

if your code said "start wpi.hta" then it would run. (if it is even possible for it to run at that point). but the code is ADDING IT TO RUNONCEEX, so it won't run till later.

for me, it runs at 1024x768, but that's because i set my resolution.

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