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Media Player Classic - file associations?

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I've put MPC on my unattended XP CD, and I've totally wiped out whatever version comes with the XP CD. What I'm asking is, what will happen to the file associations? Will all my movie and music files play with MPC by default now? Or will I manually have to set the associations myself? (maybe .reg files??)

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Smart move. You can also go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and after setting up associations to what you want, save the extensions for video files as a .REG file and then use the command line REG command to import the settings.

Great for when you don't have access to a /regvid command line switch. :thumbup

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i actually had a problem with this.

i, too, install MPC, and run the /regvid switch.

however, for some reason, MPC also takes over playing my winamp PLAYLISTS (.m3u). does anyone else have this problem, or know how to solve it?

the only solution i have found is to open winamp -> prefs -> file types -> select audio only

i have to do this, EVEN THOUGH my winamp registers the audio extensions. <sigh>

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MPC probably doesn't make any difference between a playlist for video and a playlist for audio (if you go to Options -> Formats and scroll down to Playlist file, it will show the following formats: .asx .m3u .pls .wvx .wax .wmx). Wouldn't it work if you installed MPC first, and then Winamp after that. Wouldn't Winamp get its associations back then?

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MPC probably doesn't make any difference between a playlist for video and a playlist for audio (if you go to Options -> Formats and scroll down to Playlist file, it will show the following formats: .asx .m3u .pls .wvx .wax .wmx). Wouldn't it work if you installed MPC first, and then Winamp after that. Wouldn't Winamp get its associations back then?

Good answer.

I could move winamp to be installed after, but i don't want to be 'forced' to install any app first. i want everythign to work in every scenario.

But I guess they're fighting over the same file type, so the later installation wins?

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