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I'm sorry, but i'm spanish and my english isn't very good.

Why I can't install Office 2003 unattended from WPI. When Windows XP finished of install, I can install office good, but from WPI I can't.

Office begin to install, but one time after, it begin uninstall only. No error.

Other programs from WPI I can install within problems.

Could you help me?


Seems to be a prob with you unattened switches. So it's the wrong forum. Also - see my exaple config - the switches for office are in there.


the switches that I have used is:

cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Install\\MicrosoftOffice\\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-']

If after install Windows XP, I setup WPI.hta, the office 2003 install it very good, but when I install it before finish of install Windows XP, it begin to install very good, but one moment after it uninstall.


if u attempted to use officeshrinker that maybe your problem as it didnt fully "Shrink" & maybe ur office is buggy ?

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