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G4 iPod And Dell Inspiron 5160 not Compatible. ?


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Hey guys,

My new iPod (g4) is not compatible with my 3 month old Dell inspiron 5160 Laptop. It work fine only after windows is loaded but it have to be disconnected when I boot up the computer or else the BIOS will stuck.

Anyone Dell & Laptop user have this issue ?

The Guy at Apple Support told me it is because I have SP2 on my computer. YA RIGHT !!!!!!

Then He ask me if I love my iPod and I said yes but I don't like iTunes, I'm using Xplay. HO MY GOD!!!! That was even worse than SP2. That was the new cause of my problem. It stuck in BIOS Dump @ss, it has nothing to do with windows.

I didi'nt told him that it was working perfeclty on my mom's computer withou any booting/BIOS issus.

Here is what it look like when I boot up my Inspiron 5160. it stay in this position forever.

here is a picture of the connections. There is a microsoft optical mouse in USB port 2 and my iPod in port 1.

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Sounds like you fell victim to Dell's "universal parts".

They also suck because they had the audacity to rewire their parts to be incompatible with 'universal' parts (see here, which is just one of many examples), and then their parts cost 300% more to order from them than a 'universal' part would have.  For instance, a $40 power supply costs over $120 from them.

Sounds to me like you may have been hit with that. Go Dell... *eyeroll*

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