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I had the same error in %windir%\debug\doomcln.log, Now this error occurs during widows setup and you need to click ok, this defeats the purpose of an unattended install, since this error occurs before runonce, doing the reghack is pointless, but what if i run the reghack during cmdlines.txt, when exactly is this file exicuted? Will this hault the error???


new thought, what if you add the file doomcln.exe to the cd, and run it silently from the instalation???? then the file has been run, anyone try that?


once again answering my own questions, and providing more theories, cmdlines.txt runs with 12min left, anyone remember when this error happens? and Ryan, you said you had this 100% working, what did you do exactly, can you give us all steps?


Well, it turns out the error is on my end for it showing up in the first place. Apparently WhoLockMe is creating the registry entry which makes WindowsUpdate want to run the cleanup tool.

I'm going to try and have it fixed for the next release.

In the mean time, you can trick WindowsUpdate by adding the "MydoomTool" entry and removing the Shell key as described here


O dear, looks like my quick delete key has taken another file i needed, can some kind soul upload me the stock blastcln.ex_ from sp2, as i overwrote mine with the mydoom file? Its in the i386 folder for anyone who hasnt followed the my doom thread.


just incase someone made the same mistake heres the file, i took it off a cd that had only sp2 integrated....



So Im a bit confused.... is that reg entry you posted Ryan all I need? Or do I need to modify this file twisted refers to....

  • 2 weeks later...

Hrm... I guess youre right.. i saw it mentioned 'removal tool' and 'mydoom'... I thought this was the same thing.

my bad! and thanks!

so i dont get it

has anybody found something that works to disable this new one(Windows-KB890830-ENU.exe)

yup RyanVM did

You can fool WindowsUpdate with a registry entry.



Of course, it'll have to be updated as newer versions are released.


Aw that solution i submitted to ryanvm, check his forum. Anyway your solution is incomplete. This is what you have to add to your reg file.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





i was just about to post this after i tested it

no need for shell thing this one is fine and enough for it to ignore the update

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




So someone remind me why we are tricking windows into thinking it has run as opposed to simply slipstreaming into our cds?

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