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appz installtion progress bar

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actually i posted same topic in unattended windows but no one is answaring there.and i think this is right place to ask.

i want over all progress bar of appliactions while installing.so that i can see installation is working or not.where and what i have to modify

pls help


overall means---insted of providing progress bar to each appz.a single progress bar which shows all appz installation activity.

ok leave overall atleast progress bar to each applicaion.how to


thanks for ur reply.but its bit confusing.i just want that only one option.

a progress bar which shows my application installation.

note:-i have seen this type(progress bar) some where in this forum.but forgot where it is.

help me pls


I already answered you to this question on this thread


and i dont think this is possible with WPI as this only selects the apps for installation and passes on the info into the registry.

If you want a progress bar the XPlode can be used but here you cannot choose what you want to install.



I wrote a VB (i.e. Set-install.exe) with a progressbar. In the registry I set 4 values: executable to run, name of the application, folder and size of installation.

:D 1. display window with progress bar when regkey is set, so start with a script, start your setupprogressprg with command line : set-install.exe /title: Quicktime (which start the progressbar run the executable)

2. see what folder the apps is installed to: i.e. %programfilesdir%\QT,set it to registry

3. the ammount of MB you expect, i.e. 15MB set it to registry

a) In your VB you look every second if your regkey with the appname is still there, if not close is

B) in your VB you look at the folder size and calculate Progressbar=100-(expected Foldersize-currentFolderSize)

At the end you only have to delete the regkey with the appname and its set!

I can write it for you, price per mail :thumbup

I wrote a VB (i.e. Set-install.exe) with a progressbar. In the registry I set 4 values: executable to run, name of the application, folder and size of installation.

:D 1. display window with progress bar when regkey is set, so start with a script, start your setupprogressprg with command line : set-install.exe /title: Quicktime (which start the progressbar run the executable)

2. see what folder the apps is installed to: i.e. %programfilesdir%\QT,set it to registry

3. the ammount of MB you expect, i.e. 15MB set it to registry

a) In your VB you look every second if your regkey with the appname is still there, if not close is

B) in your VB you look at the folder size and calculate Progressbar=100-(expected Foldersize-currentFolderSize)

At the end you only have to delete the regkey with the appname and its set!

I can write it for you, price per mail :thumbup

waiting for ur reply

  • 4 weeks later...

I've read 'somewhere' that's its possible to use the "install manager" from Internet Explorer (you get to see it after installing IEx after you login for the first time) to install all kinds of software. Which gives you the desired progressbar.

Maybe this is worth looking in to,...


sounds good.

can u give me detail information.

"install manager" from Internet Explorer

means do i have to install appz from ie?

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