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Create your own msi installers for your apps

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what do you mean by you have copied your activation link

re-copy and paste this seems interesting? because i can't get to the link it is broken

wow mega thanx to SiMoNsAyS and mega thanx to Y3PP3R the link now works  :thumbup

Shall I create a paypal donate button? :P:P

Is it usefull for anyone? I'd love to hear from you all....


While on the topic of creating .msi files, I thought I'd ask a question to see what sort of response there would be. I've made literally dozens of repacked .msi files for a wide range of applications using InstallShield AdminStudio. I realize that this tool may not have a huge audience here since it is a rather expensive suite.

Would there be any interest here if I were to create a guide to making msi files with this tool? It would be a bit of work and I'd hate to do it if there wasn't anyone who would benefit from it.

Would there be any interest here if I were to create a guide to making msi files with this tool?  It would be a bit of work and I'd hate to do it if there wasn't anyone who would benefit from it.

Yeah! I would love a (newbie)guide :)


didn't mazin post a step by step guide awhile back with examples of individual programs using WinInstall LE?

As for AdminStudio, i think it's the simplist. You start the repackager, tell it the app setup program, install the program, and it records the changes into the MSI.


In my experience, it's rarely that simple. There are an aweful lot of gotchas involved at least 80% of the time. Also on the topic, I have done quite a bit of direct msi editing when making an mst just doesn't do it (Daemon Tools for example).


while we are on topic of installers too i thought i would ask for this ? some of them i downloaded like analogX cache booster i would like to to know how to repackage that and extract the cach booster files from the installer too in that is possible dose anybudy know this?


I tried creating an msi for firefox but I always fail. I'm using InstallShield X Express. I will read the guide and try building it again with WinInstall LE.

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