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Anyone figured out how to do a silent install as yet.

I have figured out that it uses MSI and Installshield as a minimum?


Final Request: I'd much rather do a proper silent install then use something such as Installrite...

I have emailed the developer but they haven't got back to me as yet.

Anyone have any luck?


Ok. I tried to install it silently, and it worked.

I renamed Trend Micro Internet Security.msi to setup.msi and I used this switch:

setup.msi /qr /norestart

However, it will only install as a 30-day-trial. I haven't tried searching for the location of the serial number in the registry yet, or using additional switch to insert the serial.


If you have a serial, use this.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillin]"register no."="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"

Merge this after the installation. So your command will be something like this.

setup.msi /qr /norestart

regedit /s pccillin.reg


is there best way to unattended:

renamed Trend Micro Internet Security.msi to setup.msi

and use

setup.msi /qr /norestart

open setup.ini and add





  • 3 months later...
:huh: By way of a batch file,I can get Pccillin to install using either the .msi or .exe. For some reason though, I can't get it to install without getting the "click next" window. I've tried every combo of switches from \qn on up. What minor detail am I overlooking, as it's not unattended if I have to mess with it. Thanks.

Thanks for the replies. I'm using the latest version of Pccillin, and yes, I tried that switch too. I renamed everything to eliminate spaces also. The main .exe was extracted, which left me with both an .msi and setup.exe--I tried the .msi stored in the Installer folder too. Regardless of which setup file or switches used, I get the ever popular "next" / "cancel" window. :blink:. I noticed that the end of the switch is different in a couple places in the forum--some end with "noreboot", while others have "REBOOT=supress"?--(and some of those have suppress with 2 p's) Which is best?, or does it matter? The rest of my programs load like they're supposed to--except for Pccillin...figures. Thanks again. (running XP pro/sp2)


hmm. I'm not sure about that. Reboot=supress works fine for me.

And the msi i used was the "trend micro internet security.msi" i believe. have you tried that?

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