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Remote Desktop


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I have done a search for this and found nothing so I think I may be on to plums. But I'll try anyhow.

Is there a way in Windows XP to logon on via a remote desktop connection while the user at the PC still uses there account at the same time?

Any information appreciated.

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Either the same account or another one. I know it can be done in other flavours of windows. By that I mean the server versions. I was just curious to see if it could be done in good old XP.

Hail hail

thanks for the reply

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It should be possible, especially if you have SP2 installed:

One feature in the beta release of Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)

that isn't in the final version was the ability to configure XP to

support two simultaneous Remote Desktop sessions.

However, you can re-enable this feature

with a simple registry edit.

1. Open Registry Editor (Start, Run, regedit).

2. Navigate to


Server\Licensing Core.

3. Create a new REG_DWORD value named EnableConcurrentSessions.

4. Set the value to 1.

5. Exit the editor.

You may have to restart the PC. You'll then have support for two concurrent RDP sessions

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Thanks Fat64. Although it did not work for me. :unsure:

I have 3 pc all with xp sp2 I changed the registry in the the on with remote desktop enabled. When I try a second remote desktop conection it kills the first as normal.


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Thanks edg21 thats exactly what I was meaning.

But as I have no real need for it I dont want to shell out the cash. But a good link to save for future reference.

Also the fast user switching does not make a difference to allowiinng moroe than one remote user at once.

hail hail

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