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Computer name/Add User problem

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I am so close to completing my first unattended XP SP2 cd thanks to msfn however I still have two problems/errors that I can't seem to get by.

The first:

I have specified the computername in my winnt.sif file however it continues to set itself to "mobile-" and the a random string of number and letters. Here is a clip of my winnt.sif file:



   ProfilesDir="C:\Documents and Settings\"

   ProductKey="Product Key"
   FullName="Scott Stein"
   OrgName="Mobile Gear"

The second problem is during the user setup in my useraccounts.cmd I receive the following error message when it is run:

The user or group account specified cannot be found.

The user was successfully created but could not be added to the users local group.


Here is a clip of the useraccounts.cmd file, the error occurs at the net user /add line:

@echo off

net user username /add
net user username password
net localgroup Administrators username /add
net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

Echo Processing autologon
REGEDIT /S autologon.reg
Echo Autologon completed successfully



Any help would be greatly appreaciated.

Thanks in advanced


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are these exact copies of your files? it is is then it is not surprising that it does not work.

first in the winnt.sif change the ComputerName=ComputerName to


here is a copy of my winnt.sif


my useraccounts.cmd looks like this

cmdow @ /HID
@echo off

net user aspnet /delete
net user bulldog /add
net localgroup Administrators bulldog /add
net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited
REGEDIT /S autologon.reg

then the autologon.reg must look like this

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

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I've gone back to the begining and tried the most basic UI without SP2 or additional installs. I only added the winnt.sif file and it still changes my computer name to "mobile-" then the randoms string of characters.

Here is the full winnt.sif file that was used.




   FullName="Scott Stein"
   OrgName="Mobile Gear"





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This is mine and the first thing that comes to my mind is the OEMPreinstall. I am sure it should be set to YES

The second is the UnattendSwitxh="yes" it is not in your file.

might be worth copying mine and use it with changed user data. this one does work.




   FullName="B. Bulldog"













   Profiles = WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall

   Mode = 0


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This is mine and the first thing that comes to my mind is the OEMPreinstall. I am sure it should be set to YES

The second is the UnattendSwitxh="yes" it is not in your file.

The OEMPreinstall only needs to be set to yes if you are using the $OEM$ to install other apps, tweaks, etc.

and the UnattendSwitch only needs to be set if you want to bypass the network setup adn regional options.

Which in both cases are not factors in doing a basic install test.


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1. the TargetPath parameter doesn't accept "\"'s -- you should change it to "windows"

2. An easy way to get a look at how Setup will parse your unattend file is to run it under Winnt32 and see what gets spat out.

run Winnt32 /unattend:<pathto>:\winnt.sif /tempdrive:%systemdrive% /noreboot

then Notepad %systemdrive%\$win_nt$.~bt\winnt.sif

This copy of winnt.sif has been parsed by setup and you can see some changes... but the only one we really care about is the computername setting. What does it say it's set to here?

Another option: If you've already run this winnt.sif file through setup on a system that's still hanging around, take a look at


Again, this is your unattend file after Setup gets through parsing it. If you dont' see a computername setting in this file then you'll have to backup and try the winnt32 option.

3. Why are you trying to set the %profilesdir% to the default setting? Just curious...


You don't make it clear -- are you running this file as a runonce item or from cmdlines.txt?

Either way: The easiest method of figuring this out is going to be by replacing your batch file call with:

"%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /k"

This will launch a cmd.exe window that waits for you to close it before moving on. Try running your batch file manually from this window and see what happens. Since it's erroring on some weird group-related errors, try running:

"net localgroup" to get a look at the valid groups that your system believes in and compare that to your script.

Hope that helps.

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Another idea for the computer name is since windows computer names are always in capitals... you may wanna change the Computername=COMPUTER instead of computer or whatever. I ran into a similar problem with the product key letters not being in caps. Just an idea.

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1. the TargetPath parameter doesn't accept "\"'s -- you should change it to "windows"

The target path actually does accept "\" and was no problem during the setup. I think I have found the solution to this problem elsewhere but have yet to test it.


You don't make it clear -- are you running this file as a runonce item or from cmdlines.txt?

It's not the execution of the useraccounts.cmd that is a problem it is one of the commands.

Either way:  The easiest method of figuring this out is going to be by replacing your batch file call with:

"%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /k"


This will launch a cmd.exe window that waits for you to close it before moving on.  Try running your batch file manually from this window and see what happens.  Since it's erroring on some weird group-related errors, try running:

"net localgroup" to get a look at the valid groups that your system believes in and compare that to your script.

Hope that helps.

I added a pause at the end of the cmd file which is how I got the output of the error during setup however I'm not able to find out what is causing the problem and what problems it could cause down the road.

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Or useraccounts cmd may be running at the wrong time during setup.

If I remember correctly it ran after the "registering components" portion of the install and before the "saving settings". I'm not sure it is possible to change when the cmdlines.txt runs being that windows calls it automatically.

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I run my user batch file under guirunonce so that I know all groups have been made that I've specified and so on.

That and I add domain accounts to the admin account so I have to run it at gui.

I'll try to think of more things.


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