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Automatically add Keyboard Layouts


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Is there a way to automatically (during unattended installation) to automatically add new keyboard layouts?

I'm wanting to add specifically the English (United States) United States-Dvorak and the Spanish (Mexico) United States-International layouts.

I would also prefer that language bar be turned off.

Any help would be appreciated,



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I've the same problem. Well, to be specific, I want to add the Japanese Keyboard layout to my English WinXP unattended installation. For the winnt.sif, I've added the following and the registry settings


411 -> stands for Japanese stuff.

Anyway, I did the install but the keyboard layout was for the general 101 keyboard layout.

I looked inside the keyboard drivers from the control panel and found out that the Japanese Windows XP had the following drivers installed.


and the unattended English Windows only has the following


The question is, how can I add the following two DLLs to the unattended installation of English WinXP?



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Well, you can do this like that

1.create folder system32 and put in into $$ folder on your CD

2.copy files that you need to system32 folder that you created

3.register these files.

(cmd file)

regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\system32\your file name

good luck


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Thanks for who helped :rolleyes:

Things turned out that it was an easy thing to do after all.

If someone else wants to add any foreign keyboards, i.e. 106 keys, instead of the normal 101 keyboard, all one has to do is to export the registry settings BEFORE you make the changes from the control panel -> keyboard -> update driver and then export the registry setting and compare them. The result is the registry settings that needs to be added at the unattended install part.

The following is the .reg for the 101 keyboard to the 106 JPN style keyboard setting if anyone wil want to use it. Doing the same thing stated above can make the reg settings for your desired keyboard.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"DriverDesc"="Japanese PS/2 Keyboard (106/109 Key)"

"DeviceDesc"="Japanese PS/2 Keyboard (106/109 Key)"

"LayerDriver JPN"="kbd106.dll"
"LayerDriver KOR"="kbd101a.dll"

"DriverDesc"="Japanese PS/2 Keyboard (106/109 Key)"

"DeviceDesc"="Japanese PS/2 Keyboard (106/109 Key)"

"LayerDriver JPN"="kbd106.dll"
"LayerDriver KOR"="kbd101a.dll"

The reg file is called from the cmdlines.txt as keyboard_JPN.reg

START /wait regedit /S %systemdrive%\install\intl_JPN.reg
START /wait regsvr32 /S %systemroot%\system32\kbdjpn.dll
START /wait regsvr32 /S %systemroot%\system32\kbd101.dll
START /wait regedit /S %systemdrive%\install\keyboard_JPN.reg

And also, I did the regsvr32 for the kbdjpn.dll and the kbd101.dll incase the system needs it. (Just didn't test it w/o the regsvr32 stuffs(the to lines)).

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