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Hi guys,

I'm new to this stuff but i found this method seems to work.


First Install UltraISO like normal

Open InstallRite can click "Create a manual snapshot of your PC"

then Open UltraISO and Register your product

Now click "Perform an "Analysis" of the changes since the last "Snapshot""

Then it will ask you to put in a name (ie: UltraISO)

If you look at the analysis, the UltraISO.exe get modified after registration. I think that's why only applying registry will NOT work for this program.

you have to copy that UltraISO.exe to your folder (\$OEM$\$1\Install\Applications\UltraISO)

Under Added Registry Keys

Export: HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_USERS name it register1 and 2

Make a batch file that contains something like this:

COPY /Y %systemdrive%\install\Applications\ultraiso\ultraiso.exe c:\program files\ultraiso

REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\Applications\Ultraiso\register1.reg

REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\Applications\Ultraiso\register2.reg


To Silent install

\uiso721me.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-

Run your batch file

i think that will do it


I doubt that the EXE gets modified either! :wacko:

People use a modified EXE DELIBERATELY - to get around the key-checking (pirating, in other words) - but you don't need it, actually - if you use it legally.

As for those who use a modified EXE, and are legally licensed customers of ultraiso:

1. Install the UltraISO installer with "/VERYSILENT /SP-" switch.

2. You need to use a batch-command to copy the modified EXE to the installed folder.

copy /Y %systemdrive%\install\Applications\UltraISO.EXE "%ProgramFiles%\UltraISO"

3. And then you need this:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EasyBoot Systems\UltraISO\5.0]
"UserName"="Your name here"

4. That's all, you're done!


that's funny because after i registered it, installrite reported UltraISO.exe as one of the file that got modified

thanks for the more correct code

copy /Y %systemdrive%\install\Applications\UltraISO.EXE "%ProgramFiles%\UltraISO"


Sorry there was a typo. I wanted to say "patch itself" instead of "path itself"...

Try to compare the 2 .exe to see if there is any differences. If not, then it doesn't patch itself. As prathapml said, I doubt it does. That would be a really stupid registration process. Also I think it would fail to patch because the .exe is in use and cannot be modified.


I agree with big_gie. The only time the exe is modified is if you do it. The installer does no such thing newbie4ever. The only reason why a modified exe is used is because it can't be registered without a legal key. You still must obtain the retail version even when you buy the software because the company has a whitelist of every person that has registered the software and incorporates this list into the exe. This list is updated within the exe when a person purchases a key. Your key won't work with the trial until you are put in their whitelist.


You can try it if you want.... There never is one "right" method - anything is right, as long as it works! :)

The command given in my previous post worked for me - always been using it that way...

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