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[How To]: Outpost Firewall Pro 2.5.365

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Welcome to the marvellous world of unattended installers ( :P ). This guide will help you to silent install Agnitum Outpost Pro Firewall 2.5.365.4523 (366) with english GUI. Many people don't know about Outpost, as you can image it's a good firewall based on plugins and use rules to let processes access the inet. That will be enough but I strongly recommend it for it ads and popup blocker capabilities. Give it an oportunity.


Current version 2.5.365.4523 (366) is on development. Nearly final but it's not still released. Anyway it's recommend to update because the bugs solved are over the new bugs. First we need AutoIt application that can be downloaded from here. Current version it's 3.0.102 (4th Aug, 2004).

2.-AutoIt Script...

; AutoIt Version: 3.0.102

; Language: English

; Platform: Win9x / NT / XP

; Author:  SiMoNsAyS aka Bio]-[aZaRD

; Script Function: Instalar Agnitum Outpost Pro Firewall 2.5

Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 3)

Run("OutpostProInstall.exe /s")


;pass automatic config screen

WinWaitActive("Create New Configuration")

WinActivate("Create New Configuration")


;pass configuration wizard screen


WinWaitActive("Configuration Wizard")

WinActivate("Configuration Wizard")


;pass finish installation screen

WinWaitActive("Configuration Wizard")

WinActivate("Configuration Wizard")


;the most important on the installation. cancel the reboot now window.





Note: The above red code marks a default wait time of 90sec., this time can be reduced to 60 sec. on a machine with 128MB ram.

Save the above code to a .txt file and rename it to .au3. Then compile it (f you don't want to do it, the attached .ZIP file contains Outpost.exe that it's ready to go).

3.-Registering Outpost

I thought that export the key would be enough but after many tests (with many I mean more than 10 unattended installations), I haven't been sucessful. This key...

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall]

... contains the serial but after aplying it Outpost continue unregistered. I have built a new AutoIt script, the problem now is that it needs to call outpost just after the installation and at that step, launching the program will fail. Here it is anyway.

; AutoIt Version: 3.0.102

; Language: English

; Platform: Win9x / NT / XP

; Author:  SiMoNsAyS aka Bio]-[aZaRD

; Script Function: Registrar Agnitum Outpost Pro Firewall 2.5

Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)



WinWaitActive(" - ","")



WinWaitActive("Serial.txt -","")




Run("outpost.exe /register")

WinWaitActive("Outpost Firewall Pro Registration")

WinActivate("Outpost Firewall Pro Registration")


WinWaitActive("Enter code")

WinActivate("Enter code")



WinWaitActive("Outpost Firewall Pro")

WinActivate("Outpost Firewall Pro")



Let me explain, "Serial.txt" is copied during installation to %SYSTEMDRIVE% and there is stored your own key. AutoIt opens the file, then copy the content and launch Outpost to insert that string. For this code to work you need the compiled .exe file on the same directory that the app. Again you need to compile the code like Register.exe for example.


Finally we're going to compile our AutoIt script. Search for a folder on AutoIt directory called "Aut2Exe".

After running the compiler select your .aut (.au3) script, then imput the name of the .exe file that you like (must be in the same Outpost folder). Leave everything and press "Convert".


I have note that shortcuts aren't created properly when silently installing this software. They are stored on the same unit from where you launch the installation. Generally %SYSTEMDRIVE% so I've created a Outpost.cmd to place the things properly.

@echo off

cmdow @ /HID

MOVE /Y "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Agnitum" "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs"

It's attached too.

6.-RunOnce entries...

I think that's all. To call the installation will use:

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro 2.5" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\OutPost\Outpost.exe" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "%CDROM%\Software\OutPost\Outpost.cmd" /f

After the app it's installed and a reboot it's done you can run the Register.exe file. I'm still working on that thing and hope that someone can come here to the solution on how to register this **** thing without AutoIt!

7.-Final notes

For this exact script to work you'll need:

  • Name of installer have to be OutpostProInstall.exe
  • AutoIt compiled .exe have to be in the same directory of OutpostProInstall.exe
  • Must be installed before any antiviral software

It's easy to develop an AutoIt Script, take the code as a base to yours. Good Luck! Thanks to nateklomp for help :thumbup

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Edited by SiMoNsAyS


mmm that it's interesting i can't find it on agnitum website because i downloaded it from a torrent.

news from the main website

but as you can see in the screenshot it's a trial version that need a propper key, no beta messages, that's why i thought Outpost Firewall Pro ver. 2.5.365.4523 (366) was final, now not too sure...


ic.... probably it's still a beta version but it's recommended to update, it solves the irq_not_less_or_equal bug that it's very annoying :angry:


@SiMoNsAyS: anyway registering outpost doesnt require creating a registry entry via autoit. mine does register properly.

why doesn it register, is because the way regedit exports an existing registry entry of outpost registration. or perhaps the layout of the key that was obtained.

the point is that your the key entry should be in one line. that way, it becomes registred to the registry.

example, instead of having a registry file containing

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall]

rephrase it and make it a single line.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall]

the latter will reflect the registry unlike the first example.

also, for you to be sure that the registry file is entered to the registry, i tweaked your script and added these autoit commands at the end of your script before the exit. i included some ways to handle the shortcuts as well, since a bug in the outpost installation creates shortcuts at the root of the %systemdrive%.


DirCreate(@ProgramsDir&"\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall 2.5")
FileCopy(@HomeDrive&"\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall 2.5\*.*", @ProgramsDir&"\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall 2.5\*.*", 1)
DirRemove(@HomeDrive&"\Agnitum", 1)

RunWait("REGEDIT /S "&@HomeDrive&"\Others\outpost\register.reg")

anyways, presently, i still havent figured out a way on not using sleep command. im figuring out a more precise way to detect when the buttons are already clickable instead.

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