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At wich Windows Xp installation stage intall Offic


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I am trying to install Office 2003 Unattended, included in a windows Xp unattended DVD.

The problem is that when installed at the T9 minute stage it doesn´t install!

Does it have to be installed at "GuiRunOnce"? I think that at "GuiRunOnce" it will work.

The problem is that i don´t want to install it at "GuiRunOnce"!

Is there a way to install it with success at T9 or T12?

If it matter the command line i am using is the following:

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\02\OFFICE11\SETUPPRO.EXE TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-

Thanks in advance!

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follow the runonceex guide on unattended website :)

I think that is processed at GuiRunOnce stage, i.e after the first logon. Isn´t it?

I want to do it at T9 or T12 if possible!

If it isn´t possible maybe i will give runonceex a try!

Thanks anyway!

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at cmdlines.txt the registry hasn't got an advanced structure. use RunOnceEx instead

T9 is not cmdlines.txt.

But maybe what you say does aplly to T9 too.


Wich applications can i install at T12 (cmdlines.txt) and at T9 (SetupParams)?

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I would suggest neither myself.

At cmdlines.txt, the registry is not finalized and still goes under revisions, so any changes may be lost. T-9, the system is shutting down and closing everything. Most of the registry is already saved to disc and unhived to the user logs in. Think of it as the limited user that is present prior to logging into the system.


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