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Hey guys, my folders arent being copied. I am using Xplode and Runonceex.cmd, and its not finding any install files because of this.

Here is my Winnt.sif:


   OemPnPDriversPath="blahblah tons of stuff from driver packs"


   FullName="S0mE0nEsMiNd 0wNz J00 N00BlHaR"
   OrgName="f***In J00 uP bIaTcH"






   Command0="rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n \\Brad2\CompaqIJ"




Any help? thanks! Also, would it have anything to do with vmware, because thats what im using.


also, heres my xplode

 <hidewindow>Windows Update</hidewindow>
 <hidewindow>Windows Installer</hidewindow>
 <hidewindow>Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1</hidewindow>
 <!-- make antialiasing false if you're running GUIinstall mode -->
 <!-- note the position attribute - it is listed in 'x,y' positions. -->
 <!-- 0..8 still may be used. -->
 <!-- can be standalone, guitransparent, or guiredraw -->
 <!-- for the latter two, you don't need to specify background colours, or images. -->

 <!-- main XPlode string -->
 <title>Post-Install Configuration</title>
 <!-- adduser plugin strings -->
 <adduser>Adding user #1#</adduser>
 <addusertogroup>Adding user #1# to group #2#</addusertogroup>
 <addgroup>Adding group #1#</addgroup>    
 <!-- file/dir ops plugin strings -->
 <copy>Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</copy>
 <move>Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</move>
 <delete>Deleting #1# (#3#)</delete>
 <!-- shortcut plugin -->
 <shortcut>Adding shortcut: #1#</shortcut>  
 <item display='Adding users and groups...'>
 <!-- note the different use of quotes due to the data held in them -->

   comment="f***In J00 uP bIatCh"

 <item display='Registry Tweaks for S0mE0nEsMiNd'>
 <!-- note the username and password - it will run under the user 'Spike', using the account password -->
   display='Applying tweaks...'
   arguments='/s "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\regtweaks.reg"'
 <item display='Adding shortcuts'>
 <!-- this will add a shortcut to something on the system -->
 <shortcut display='Notepad'
   description='Notepad Editing C:\boot.ini'
 <item display='Copying'>
 <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Drivers" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\" />
   <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\" />

 <item display='Installing Applications'>
 <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\mIrc" />
   <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC\MIRC.lnk" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\mIRC\mirc.lnk" />
 <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC\MIRC.lnk" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\mirc.lnk" />
 <execute display="Installing O&O Deframenter..." program="%systemdrive%\install\Applications\OO_DefragPro\oo_defrag_pro.msi /QB
 <execute display="Installing Kazaa..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\install\kazaa\Klite.exe" arguments="/silent" />
 <execute display="eMule For the eDonkey Network..." program="%SourceDrive%\install\emule\emule.exe" arguments="/S" />
 <execute display="Installing Bit Tornado..." program="#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\Bt\bt.exe" arguments="/S" />
 <execute display="Installing Shrink DVD" program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Shrink\shrink.exe" arguments="/silent" />
 <execute display="Installing Kazaa Lite Codec Pack..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\codecs\klcodec.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT /SP- /LOADINF=.\install.inf" />
 <execute display="Installing Winhex..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\install\winhex\winhex.exe" arguments="/s" />
 <execute display="Installing AdobeReader..." program="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Postinstall\Applications\Adobe\adobe.exe" arguments= "-p -s /v\ /qn\" />
 <execute display="Installing SUN Java..." program="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\install\SunJava\java.exe" arguments="/s /v /qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1" />
 <execute display="Installing Spybot SD 1.3..." program="#SOURCEDRIVE#\Install\spybot\spybotsd13.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT" />
 <execute display='Installing Radlinker for Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\Radlinker\RadLinker1013OEM.msi' arguments='/qn' />
 <execute display='Installing ATI Tool for Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\AtiTool\ATITool_0.0.21.exe' arguments='/S' />
 <execute display='Installing Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\Setup.exe' arguments='/S' />
 <execute display='Installing WinRAR...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\winrar\winrar.exe' arguments='/s' />
 <execute display='Installing Nero Burning ROM...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\Install\Nero\nero.exe' arguments='/silent /noreboot /no_ui /sn=1A23-0006-6030-1676-2740-9291 /write_sn' />
 <execute display="Installing Ultra ISO..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\ultraiso\ultraiso.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT /SP-" />
 <registry display="Registering MIRC..." method="write">Registering MIRC... [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\License] @="3396-255840" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\UserName] @="HEVNBND" </registry>
 <execute display="Installing DU Meter 3.." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\INSTALL\PM\Setup.exe" />
 <execute display="Installing Mozilla FireFox..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\FireFox\Firefox.exe" />
 <execute display="Installing ISOBuster..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\ISO\Setup.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT /SP-" />
 <execute display="Installing Cacheman XP..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Cacheman\Setup.exe" />
 <execute display="Stopping Cacheman XP...." program="taskkill" arguments="/im cfgwiz.exe /f" />
 <execute display="Installing Peer Guardian..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Peer\Setup.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT" />
 <execute display="Installing Sisoft Sandra..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Sandra\Setup.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT" />
 <execute display="Installing Tweak-XP..." program="%Sourcedrive%\Install\Tweak-XP\Setup.exe" arguments="/qn" />
 <execute display="Installing XP-AntiSpy..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Antispy\setup.exe" arguments="/S" />

 <item display='Cleaning Up'>
 <execute display='Clean up on next boot...' program='#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Install\Cleanup.cmd' arguments="" />


looks like that line is there already..

  OemPnPDriversPath="blahblah tons of stuff from driver packs"
  OemPreinstall=Yes <<<<<<<<<<<<


here are my only ideas:

1) Something assosiated with vmware, and the fact that it may not like all the mods and stuff (nlited, xplode, runonceex).

2) Something wrong with my actual files (although I cant see how)

3) Its not supposed to do it becuase i didnt do it right (ie, im supposed to use a certain command other than oempreinstall=yes in winnt.sif


First let me say....

You don't have your files to be copied over in $OEM$\ . You XPlode.XML clearly says to copy the files over. I'm guessing being called from CMDLINES.TXT or RunOnceEX is being used to execute XPlode. In either case, if you drivers at NOT copied over prior to T-39 , then they won't be installed UNLESS you use their individual setups.

Now the real question becomes, why do you copy over Install and Drivers, while in the same XML, you reference them as %SOURCEPATH% which personally, i would change to %SOURCEDRIVE% . Why copy them over if you're installing them from CD?

If you are doing a network install however, $OEM$ should be inside I386, not outside along side it.

Hopefully, that may have cleared up a couple of things. I'll wake up in a few hours for more


I think I found the problem, with all the stuff about when you can run your files, I think clean-up was running at T-13 ( thus deleting all the **** files ) then Xplode going off....but the question is (i did have my xplode at %SOURCEDRIVE% at one point). why didnt the xplode copy them over again after they were deleted by clean-up?



you could have checked the xplode log, and use /log: when executing XPlode.

Perhaps you had the path wrong. Who knows....

how was cleanup.cmd getting executed? or were you ineed using RunOnceEX.cmd to import registry entries? And the xplode starts are first logon?

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