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So far so good, it is installing XP flawlessly, working on getting my apps integrated. Slowly but surely I will get this DVD done. :blink:

One more request...or maybe you can tell me how you do this. I want to be able to copy files to certain places after the Installer gets done installing applications.

Could I possibly make it in the applications area, but have it just copy stuff? :huh:

name=Post Application Install
description=Copies over files after Applications install

%path%\copy *.* %systemdrive%\newfolder\folder


What you think Voltaic?


if i'm understanding you correctly you just want to copy files to the HD?

if that's the case the installstrings section just has commands to execute in the order in which they appear, so you can potentially do anything from there, however, the syntax mentioned appears to be incorrect.

to copy files from the cd to the HD you would use the following:

copy %path%\*.* %systemdrive%\newfolder\folder

the installstrings are inserted into the runonceex part of the registry under a numerical key name that is generated ensure order of program installation. the runonceex section is executed by windows on first boot.

by the way, any files that are in the %path% of an enabled application in vdubs will be copied to c:\install\%path% by default. this is a feature that facilitates being able to take the cd out of the machine after vdubs exits.



New Version & New Screenshots!!!

(For link see first post)

[ 1.3b (Beta) - 10/11/04 ]

* added ability to have application and registry setting preset groups

* added ability to "select all" and "select none" on application and registry tweak selection screens

* added force restart feature via peshutdown.exe thanks to the (anonymous) author (http://home.t-online.de/home/520085154509)

* added options to delete installation files upon completion of install

* made windows setup restart and try again if exited with errorlevel > 0

* implemented verbose checkbox

* added more defaults to defaults.ini

* fixed more command lines within code

* added a few cosmetic perks

* fixed the issue where there would sometimes be a blank registry tweak in the list toward the top




:w00t: SWEEEET!!!! :w00t:

(edit: Its not seeing my virtual drive in Virtual PC. It was seeing it fine before when I was testing it previously. Just an FYI.)


thanks for all your hard work man! I am going to put up the PE plugin I have been working at as soon as I test it out with this new version.


umm, ya, sorry about that. ahem. put a line of code somewhere it shouldn't have been. mommy would surely spank me if she found out where i put it! ;)

heh, anyway, fixed. didn't change version numbers or anything, just replaced the posted file with the new one.



Voltaic man,

For some reason the tweaks.inf is not being seen by vdubs even though it really is there. Could you check out the code for that section, I think it is bugged.



sorry guys, this bug has been a bit tougher to track down, and the discovery of this bug led to the discovery of another minor, but realted bug.

anyway, i'm still working on it, but expect an update within the week.

for now, you may be able to get away with making sure that your tweaks are on one line


HKCU, "Control Panel\Desktop", "UserPreferencesMask", 0x00000001, 90,32,01,80

instead of :

HKCU, "Control Panel\Desktop", "UserPreferencesMask", 0x00000001,\



ok, here's the new version.

i hesitate to say that this is a pretty workable version of the program for fear of what may happen if i do say that, but i'm saying it anyway.

this is a pretty workable version of the program, so there. <knocks on wood>

edit: i knew it would happen if i said it!! ok, there's still problems checking the syntax of registry tweaks, i'm workin on it.



ok, going to try it out tonight......I will post how it goes :whistle: (knocks on wood :P )

*edit*** So far so good, it sees the registry entries ok so far. Quick idea, if one wants to install a server edition of Windows, we are going to need an alternate unattended form for volume licenses and other options....just a thought :whistle:


Allright beta testers, put on your beta testing hats! i'm calling this "Voltaic's Windows Installer Release Candidate 1"

there simply can't be any more major usability or functional bugs in this thing! a bold statement, but there it is!

the only fix present in this release is the registry syntax checking issue not-properly addressed in the previous beta release.

Quick idea, if one wants to install a server edition of Windows, we are going to need an alternate unattended form for volume licenses and other options

Not going to happen in the forseeable future (pronounced "probably never"). i just don't see any need for most people to be able to install Windows Server quickly as any time saved in the installation of windows is normally nothing compared to the time to custom configure the server. maybe if it's something that i find myself needing enough i'll add the feature, but not until then. Sorry!

Anyway, enjoy the release, hopefully i won't have to do any work on it for a while.


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