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My compter Icon


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Nevermind, I found it






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I don see this key what is the actual name of the key. When i load the software.hiv I don't see that key in the SOFTWARE\Microsoft\windows\current version\explorer\ and then there is no clsid string it that bad boy.

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I always solve this problem by extracting the explorer icon form explorer.exe and copying it to the system32 folder and then adding the folowing reg key (to the software hive):




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Just i open explorer.exe using "resource hacker" and go to the "icon group" section and save the first icon, so that i have all icon sizes with the different color depths in one icon.


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I can assure you it worked for me and it should work with anyone, keep in mind that the path i gave you to the reg key is the normal one, not after loading your hive, so just to make sure, if you loaded your software hive under the HKLM and give it the name PE_Software, the key should look like this:



if it didn't work, let me know what you exactly did.


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