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is it possible 2 change the default mouse color thats in the setup screen

from white 2 black or another color? maybe orange?

thanks :)


wouldn't it be a case of finding the cursor in on of the cab files and changing it?

maybe it's even called the same filename as the default windows white cursor?

search compressed files for "arrow_*.cur"


yes , i most definately will :)

im just working out some minor tweaks in my setup .. 1 of my new .reg files is causing windows 2 display a "2k" like interface, with My computer & junk on the desktop & classic start menu :S


thing is, i dont have anything like that :S im wondering if it could be my custom bootscreen :S ill find out when my windows is done installing on vmware again (5 mins left) i took out all the new tweaks, only thing left is my custom bootscreen :)


finally found the culprit, case anyone has this prob

;Turns off the recycle bin delete confirm




The mouse cursor is in user32.dll by the way.

Much thanks man :) i got it.. ill post instructions case anyone else wants 2 follow what i did


open the USER32.DL_ extract User32.dll to your desktop

open the file with Resource Tuner & expand "Cursor Entry" & "save resource as.." the following files 2 your desktop

Cursor Entry_52.cur

Cursor Entry_54.cur

Cursor Entry_63.cur

Cursor Entry_64.cur

Next... open each file with your hex editor

you should see something like this (on the fourth line down)

00 00 00 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00

change the value of FF FF FF (white) to whatever u want

save it, & replace the files

& save the new cab file as user32.dl_ & replace the old 1, works perfect for me :rolleyes: hope it does for u

any questions post back :D

PS- could a mod add this 2 Giving Your Windows Cosmetic Surgery since it kinda flows with the cosmetics :D


  • 2 weeks later...
im just working out some minor tweaks in my setup .. 1 of my new .reg files is causing windows 2 display a "2k" like interface, with My computer & junk on the desktop & classic start menu :S


finally found the culprit, case anyone has this prob

;Turns off the recycle bin delete confirm




:rolleyes: that exactly my problem, when i added that inocent regtweak my start menu switches to classic :) . anyone have had the same experience or know how to solve it??

PS: thanks MCT that have help me to find what was going on with my start menu


post your .reg tweak i or someone else will look at it, chances are its probly some binary code like mine was that was messed


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