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Issues installing ATI Catalyst Driver, version 4.5

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Did you get any errors when u ran that command? Typically the installshield file will be setup.exe. Setup.exe might be compressed in that .exe file you mentioned. What i would do is try to extract that .exe file you mentioned, and look for a setup.exe. You might find setup.exe by running the .exe file, then going to %tmp% and looking for it. Then run setup.exe -r, and go through the prompts and you should get the .iss file. If you would provide a download link i could download the file you mentioned and try to get it working for you.



or, you could go to www.radeon2.ru and download the "Win2k/XP 6444" driver, which is a slipstream version of the catalyst 4.5 drivers

just extract it to your $OEM$\$1\Drivers\Cat45 directory, then make sure you add "Drivers\Cat45" to your OEMPnPDriversPath... that's it...

during PnP hardware detection, if radeon card detected, it will install the driver (with control panel and gart controller)... i haven't tested the new 4.5 version of their driver, but their old 4.3 slipstream drivers worked good for me


just download the offical version and extract it....

then copy the <Driver> and <CPanel> folders to your %OEM% folder..even no need to modify the setup.iss at all...

the follow is mine...4.5 catalyst, just for reference..

ECHO 2. Installing ATI Catalyst 4.5......

start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\ATI\Driver\Setup.exe -s -f1"%systemdrive%\install\Applications\ATI\Driver\setup.iss"

start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\ATI\CPanel\Setup.exe -s -f1"%systemdrive%\install\Applications\ATI\CPanel\setup.iss"


Hey guys, I just extracted the files from the main catalyst file and initiated the setup.exe -R in the command prompt. I found the setup.iss file in the c:\windows folder. However, I'm not sure if it's the right one. I opened the .iss file with notepad and this is what I got:

[installShield Silent]


File=Response File

[File Transfer]













Is this right?

  • 2 weeks later...

:) Actually is much easier -- i install it during cmdlines like this:

I got separated driver and control panel setups downloaded instead of the whole bunch then extract them to dirs (cuz they are archives soewhat) and then use:

ECHO Installing ATI driver 8.01-040421a-015419C-ATI

START /WAIT E:\PostInst\video\setup -s


then i leave an app installing space before installing control panel so the driver finishes installing properly(i had some errors while installing cpanel right after) ; like this:

ECHO Installing WinRAR3.3

START /WAIT E:\PostInst\WinRAR330\winrar330.exe /s

COPY "E:\PostInst\WinRAR330\settings.reg" "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR"

START /WAIT regedit /s "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\settings.reg"


ECHO Installing ATI Control Panel

START /WAIT E:\PostInst\cpanel\setup -s


does any1 know the tweak that disables [Display properties > Settings > Advanced >options(From Ati contol panel) > "alternate DVI operational mode"] ???


OR you could install them when windows is trying to find better drivers when you have to "blue screen - 13 min. left"

If you have downloaded the Full pack with Cpanel. You can do this:

1. Extract the driver with Winrar

2. Go to the folder: 'Driver\2KXP_INF' and Copy ALL

3. Now go to '$OEM$\$1\Drivers\Catalyst4_6' and place em there.

In your Winnt.sif ('XPCD\i386') Under [unattended] put this in:


This works for me :) And as you can see with the Cat 4.6 driver


sound great, russie's driver didnt work out well for me since i have all-in-wonder card and missing out alot of crucial files :-( but i'm curious what about included WDM Driver since it's required for tv tuner.


@ wolfshade

This is only working for Ati Systems.

Did somebody figure it out how to combine NVidia and Catalyst (complete) on a CD. The russian version didn't work for me, too. I need the multilanguage version for the unattended Cd.

Crusher,Jun 4 2004, 01:04 AM] or, you could go to www.radeon2.ru and download the "Win2k/XP 6444" driver, which is a slipstream version of the catalyst 4.5 drivers

just extract it to your $OEM$\$1\Drivers\Cat45 directory, then make sure you add "Drivers\Cat45" to your OEMPnPDriversPath... that's it...

during PnP hardware detection, if radeon card detected, it will install the driver (with control panel and gart controller)... i haven't tested the new 4.5 version of their driver, but their old 4.3 slipstream drivers worked good for me

I went to the site and download the drivers and place them in the folders like you said. However, it doesn't work and when windows boot up to the desktop, I get a error message saying driver and control panel isn't installed properly.

OR you could install them when windows is trying to find better drivers when you have to "blue screen - 13 min. left"

If you have downloaded the Full pack with Cpanel. You can do this:

1. Extract the driver with Winrar

2. Go to the folder: 'Driver\2KXP_INF' and Copy ALL

3. Now go to '$OEM$\$1\Drivers\Catalyst4_6' and place em there.

In your Winnt.sif ('XPCD\i386') Under [unattended] put this in:


This works for me :) And as you can see with the Cat 4.6 driver

thx for the information that you provided. It worked just like you said, however, the control panel isn't installed and I am wondering, how do I get that to install? Thx

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