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I would really like those who have tried more than one method to give a brief description of the pros and cons. It would be nice to hear from gosh, davexp, alanoll, greenmachine, jdeboeck, aaronxp plus any of the other experts I can't recall.

What have most people settled on anyway? I will start a poll once I am sure of what methods to put in the poll.

My thoughts, though few and may be mistaken:



+ can use relative paths

+ good for those who already know how to write batch files


- ugly looking cmd windows pop up, though I've bypassed this by calling a customized cmd shortcut from runonceex.inf (rather than cmd.exe itself)



+ elegant looking execution during unattended install

+ everything in one place

+ inf file support is unlikely to be dropped in future versions of windows, while microsoft's unattended syntax or methods are more likely to change (but then who knows what microsoft will do).


- syntax seems unecessarily complicated to me

- no relative paths


A pro or con for cmdlines is that it goes to the default account.

A con for the runonce technique is that it installs under the logged on user. For me this is administrator. So I have to move shortcuts, and modify the ACL so it works for everyone on some programs.


Most of what I might have to say can be found in the Ramblings section of the link below:


In short, everything should be done at T-13, unless it NEEDS to be done after setup completes, then it should be done at the GuiRunOnce/RunOnce/RunOnceEx stage. As for whether it looks pretty ... big deal ...


I got the runonceex to run at t-13 by invoking it from cmdlines.txt.

Here my cmdlines.txt:

"regedit.exe /s controlpanel.reg"
"regedit.exe /s internetexplorer.reg"
"regedit.exe /s internetsettings.reg"
"regedit.exe /s windowsexplorer.reg"
"regedit.exe /s services.reg"
"regedit.exe /s themes.reg"
"regedit.exe /s regtweaks.reg"
"rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection XP 128 runonceex.inf"
"rundll32 iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess"

Best of both worlds?

Thanks GreenMachine... I had used Gosh's method for a 3 user machine and then I remembered your page and went to look at it again, at which time I finally got into monkey skull what t-13 meant.


Without saying a word im sure most of you guys know what method i would recommend. I think the best option is to try each method and then pick which one is best for your needs. Each method has pros and cons and there's no perfect method out there. GM's site has a good comparision of the common methods used.



Although I'm LOATHED to admit it... I must, and I never thought I would again, agree with greenmachine, (he knows what I'm talking about and I only hope he doesn't reply to this post or I will flame him till I'm banned from this place), BUT...

who cares what the install looks like, ITS AN UNATTENDED, RIGHT ?

Another method to consider, if you have not already, is TechTypes "UpdateXP", which I find to be perfect for those of us that don't understand .inf's but want a controllable and easily updated install...

Just my take..



Another method to consider, if you have not already, is TechTypes "UpdateXP", which I find to be perfect for those of us that don't understand .inf's but want a controllable and easily updated install...

I don't think TechType is making UpdateXP available anymore. Thought I'd give it a try, but the link to it is dead, even though the instructions link isn't. Hmmm..... :)

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