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you can use a Windows 10 style start menu using StartAllBack, I accidently figured out how to do it


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This may be old info to many/most of you. I posted about this back in 2021 and several posted with the same want and no one ever posted a solution. I wanted to use a Win 10 style start menu with Start All Back. And I posted my desire for whoever designs these things to add that as an option. Not necessary. I stumbled on the solution.

Explorer Patcher and Start All Back work together. Explorer Patcher lets you choose Windows 10 or 11 style start menus. In Start All Back turn off the setting to use enhanced classic menu and voilà, Bob's your Uncle!

I really liked Start All Back from the beginning. I've just gotten used to the Windows 10 start menu. I couldn't get used to going back to one of older start menu styles and I really don't like the options for using the Windows 11 start menu.

I can't tell you how happy figuring this out has made me! I get to use Start All Back and have a Win 10 start menu. The best thing (for me anyway) is how Start All Back gives the Control Panel a dark background. Just a god send. Once I got used to a dark interface (like I've been using with Illustrator and PS for years) and that glaring white hits me in the eyes I'm blind. It's really painful.

Maybe I'm just late to the party and everyone else knows this, but I did search here back in 2021 and no one seemed to know how to do this. I know there were others interested. Maybe the info will help someone else.

Edited by kwagraphics
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