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Sysprep WinXP SP2 64-bit - Mini-Setup reset some settings

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In the deploy.chm manual, I read that sysprep should be run on the Administrator's account. I did so and also on the User account with administrator rights and on both I have the same problem - after implementing the system on the target computer, some settings are reset to the default.

I noticed:

  • System Restore enabled again
  • Automatically restart enabled again
  • Pagefile enabled again
  • Large icons in My Computer windows (Small icons was set)
  • shortcut to WMP on the desktop
  • shortcut to IE in the Quick Launch
  • ClearType not work because unchecked option Use following method to smoth edges of screen fonts
  • in Folder Options > View option Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) enabled again
  • in the window Map Network Drive the Reconnect at logon option enabled again

Can it be blocked somehow so that sysprep does not change it?

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