schwups Posted July 26, 2023 Posted July 26, 2023 (edited) A little story. Projekt Update Internet Explorer 6SP1 to v7/8: Sure, it's not worth it for browsing with old browsers. Is it a gimmick? The installer has not been examined! Unfortunately, I can't get the ordinal problems under control so far. Required BWC extended Kernel, Xompie, later windows and ReactOS files - also for forwarding, then KernelEx 25, Kext. In the following I have created a list of which modules are loaded and which are not. The list may not be complete - it is experimental. Some files need KernelEx enabled or even XP (particularly browseui and wininet / OS version check). I'm not able to update mshtml.dll, SHDocvw, shlwapi. These load with KernelEx enabled, but I get Explorer errors on update/replace. Probably one or more problem API's (set to none) in core.ini/Base section. Possible is BWC's Shlwapi. I'm able to use Urlmon v8, but in particular important functions Copy, Cut and Paste fail. So the best solution I found is BWC's Urlmon at the moment. With BWC's BrowseUI I'm able to run IE6SP3 of XPSP3, but not with Browseui v7 or v8. A few required modules are not loaded. Module Update List: Some are probably not relevant for the function. x=updated & loads +=to do -=doesn't load yet BWC: Blackwingcat extended Kernel 6SP3: Taken from XPSP3 ROS: ReactOS Module IEVersion admparse 8 x Advpack 8 x browseui BWC x v7/8 load - no Desktop - start break with no message / It must set to Kexmode XP -> OK corpol 8 x dxtmsft 8 x dxtrans 7 x 8 -> Urlmon prob / OK with Urlmon v8 extmgr 7 - Urlmon missing ordinals and Shell32 ordinal 743 hmmapi 8 x html.iec 8 x icardie 8 x ie4uinit.exe 8 x ieakeng 8 - Urlmon 108 ieaksie 8 - Urlmon 108 and it needs same version of admparse and ieakeng! ieakui 8 x ieapfltr 8 x iecompat 8 - ? iedkcs32 8 x iedvtool 8 - Urlmon 423 - With Urlmon v8 Procwin error on close IEFRAME 8 x loads, but Procwin error on close -> Urlmon prob iepeers 8 x ieproxy 8 x iernonce 8 x IERTUTIL 8 x iesetup 8 x (IEShims) 9 x Win7 - not really needed XPShims? ieudinit.exe 8 x IEUI 8 x Imgutil 8 x inetcorp.iem 8 inetcpl.cpl 8 - URLmon ordinal prob (Internet Control Panel) inetres.adm 8 inetset.iem 8 inseng 8 x jscript 8 x jsdbgui 8 - Urlmon 423 OK with Urlmon v8 jsdebuggeride 8 x jsprofilercore 8 x jsprofilerui 8 - Urlmon 423 OK with Urlmon v8 jsproxy 8 x licmgr10 8 x msdbg2.dll 8 x msfeeds.dll 8 x msfeedsbs.dll 8 x msfeedssync.exe8 x mshta.exe 6SP3 x v7 & 8 to test, but ordinal problems with other html files mshtml BWC + v7 & 8 load (needs KernelEx enabled), Urlmon prob v8 -> Explorer error (error on folder open) mshtml.tlb 6SP3 x Millennium mode mshtmled 6SP3 x v7 loads / v8 Urlmon ordinal 414 Millennium mode v8 OK with Urlmon v8 mshtmler.dll 6SP3 x Millennium mode msls31.dll 8 x Msrating 8 x mstime.dll 7 x v8 Urlmon 414 OK with Urlmon v8 Occache 8 x pdm.dll 8 x pngfilt.dll 8 x shdocvw.dll + Back to 6SP1 / requires Kex enabled to load / Explorer errors SHLWAPI BWC x 6SP3, 7 and 8 load - forwarding seems OK, but replacing gives Explorer errors spmsg.dll 8 x spupdsvc.exe 8 x sqmapi.dll 8 x tdc.ocx 8 x url.dll 7 x ProcWin v8 error on close Urlmon BWC x (v7/8 error in Shlwapi / Explorer error opening folders - in unicows) / v8 needs WebView disabled -> WebView doesn't work / v8 Copy/Cut/Paste Problem vbscript.dll 8 x vgx.dll 8 x webcheck.dll 6SP3 x v7 & v8 Procwin error on close - URLmon ordinal prob winfxdocobj.exe 8 x Wininet 7 x Message "wininet expects a newer windows version" on OS start -> Kex doesn't work. Wininet must set to Kexmode XP / v8 -> Urlmon ordinal prob xpshims.dll 8 x Five IE Files with Kex flags disabled by default: Module KexMode BROWSEUI XP OK xp mode - Note: v7/8 -> IE6 doesn't start anymore (Error in BrowseUI v8). OE6 OK / BWC's BrowseUI OK > IE6 starts mshtml Millennium BWC OK with Shlwapi BWC / v7/8 need KernelEx enabled to load -> Explorer error SHDOCVW disabled v8 needs Kex enabled to load / Explorer error on folder open SHLWAPI disabled - mode XPSP3 -> Explorer errors and it doesn't start / BWC version Kex disabled OK Wininet XP OK xp mode More old modules IE6SP1 29 08 2002 found with DependencyWalker (profiling IE7): ATL ROS 0.4.14 x MSOert2 IE6SP3 x Inetcomm IE6SP3 x needs MSoert2 update Mlang IE6SP3 x ... BROWSELC IE6SP3 x BROWSEWM IE6SP3 x More Modules - surely not needed to run IE7/8 Crypt32 XP/2K -> loads, but still missing SystemFunction041 CryptUI XPSP3 x BROWSER XPSP3 x ... dwmapi ROS 0.3.17 x propsys BWC x required for BWC's DirectX "DX" (part of extended Kernel) / DX Ok at first, but today System hang/crashes! Edited August 19, 2023 by schwups
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