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Windows 10 (21h2) No Sleep Bug - Fixed by accident :)


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Hey, since several month, i got a really annoying bug, that prevent the option for my system to sleep automatically (no S3, no Monitor Off) - it worked only when i put it manual to sleep...
Before some days, i decided to play a little bit Fallout 4 again, but i got more bugs, than i normally know from this game (like crashes, or Loading screen Forever), so i have to force the closing of the .exe by Task manager...

Then i saw, that a "GameBarPresenceWriter.exe" was running, and thought that 2015 (where the game was released), there wasn't a gaming mode, a game bar or similar,

So i decided, to move all "Game*" Files out of the windows' directory, (you need trusted installer rights for that, or the NTFS rights to move them...)

- Moved Files:
GameBarPresenceWriter (Folder)

Restarted the PC, and run my game again (not sure if i fixed the game bug), but when i played, and made a break, to do something else (game was running), my monitor gone off, and i wondered what happened - moved the mouse, and the monitor was back alive!

I close the game, and waited, and my PC gone into S3 again! - WOW! (I could not fix this problem for so long...)

Some of this files (i even didn't know, that some of them was running - cause i didnt see them normally in task manager), just prevent the sleep Function (or maybe just one file, or a reg entry from one of this files)

Anyway i decided to share it with you!
I will personally not go deeper into this - like moving single files, with multiple restarts, or de-register them, etc

I am Happy that my PC can now gone to sleep again, cause i absolutely didn't like it, when i fall to sometimes sleep and waked up 8 hours later, that the PC and Monitor were fully on...

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