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Anyone get ATI Omega drivers working silently?

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I've been working with Omega's ATI Radeon drivers for a while now, and I am trying to get two things running correctly:

1. I would like to remove the international language files - it's 5-6MB of stuff I'll never use

2. I would like to get the drivers only to install silently, and include them in my drivers folder on unattended installs.

I've tried to weed out all the international files (see attached picture), and remove their references in the INF, but when I tried an install on my desktop PC this weekend, the drivers installed (I have a Radeon 9700 All in Wonder), but they had a yellow ! in them and that wouldn't go away. So I had to revert back to Microsoft's built-in drivers, and reinstall the entire Omega package manually.

Anyone get this to work? Post what you have, please?





the only ati drivers I have seen that work properly in unattended mode (driver and control panel) are the ones from www.radeon2.ru and the latest version they have is only 6430 (Cat4.3)

If you work out how they made their drivers work slipstreamed, then you can do the same to the omega drivers i guess

If you have an all in wonder, the ! mark could be because the default drivers (ati or omega) will not install the capture drivers.. that is a seperate driver archive (WDM Drivers)

You will have to make 2 driver directories, one for Omega Catalyst, then another for ATI WDM


wdm drivers never install for me. even if a make a silent install using iss-file in GuiRunOnce.

in addition to that i never managed to install a driver with a patched ati2mtag.sys which is, of course, not digitally signed. other drivers which arent signed install ok using DriverPolicy=Ignore in winnt.sif but the graphics driver wont for me.

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