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OS:Server 2003+FF52.9 - WebArchiveOrg Download Failures


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I have a real oddball that may even affect Windows XP.

When attempting to download (e.g.) Windows2000 SP4 EXE, I get a real nasty message that it can't read the source. I have installed all of the latest (as indicated on MSFN) Extensions/AddOns and have no "blocked" in RED on the Options page. It appears to have begun yesterday after fighting with installing "unsupported" Java (v191 "overlay" on v151, maybe I should have used v181?), the latest Flash and Shockwave, and NoScript. I haven't tried disabling NoScript ( which was SUPPOSED to work (but maybe I'm wrong). AdBlockPlus is also installed but shouldn't affect Wayback. POTENTIALLY "Google Redirect Fix 2.1.10" may have something to do with it, but I don't see how for that either. A side note of another (to make the RED disappear) removal - "NET\Framework\v3.5\Windows Presentation Foundation\DotNetAssistantExtension" contents (also should have nothing to do with).

Screen Capture of the specific problem attached. (Guess I've lost my Geek on this one...) Note that the specific error was SUPPOSED to have been fixed long ago in Firefox. ALSO note that it WORKS in IE8. This kind of makes me suspect Firefox is the culprit (also part of the "Get Up-To-Date" installs the past several days). I'd appreciate it if some kind sole would confirm/deny this? If need be, I'll indicate ALL AddOns/Extensions. ==== EDIT ==== Nope, STILL doesn't work with FireFox in Safe Mode. This didn't start happening until after Upgrade FF and attempt to get something via WebArchive. I DID have FF v46.0.1 (AFAICR) and had no problems except for the AddOns/Extensions (etc) not updating. @sdfox7 @dencorso - if you notice this, try it. Something is amiss (or I've lost my mind DURRR).

DAMMIT! WebArchiveError.jpg

Edited by submix8c
Test FF in SafeMode
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You have GOT to be kidding me! Doing a Google Search yielded a topic (for newer FireFox) that said "Clear Cache", so I cleared EVERYTHING "History->Clear Recent" (didn't even restart, still in SafeMode), and it works now! WOW! BTW, I replied to myself (instead of edit) to indicate the "fix". I'll soon see if it's still borked after I do a bit of web browsing and report back on this comment/post. "I see weird people and events, no ghosts yet. Scary!"

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  • 1 month later...
On Tuesday, January 08, 2019 at 6:54 PM, submix8c said:

You have GOT to be kidding me! Doing a Google Search yielded a topic (for newer FireFox) that said "Clear Cache", so I cleared EVERYTHING "History->Clear Recent" (didn't even restart, still in SafeMode), and it works now! WOW! BTW, I replied to myself (instead of edit) to indicate the "fix". I'll soon see if it's still borked after I do a bit of web browsing and report back on this comment/post. "I see weird people and events, no ghosts yet. Scary!"

I'm just getting around to this post now, but glad to see you found a solution. Something else you should consider is that not all Archive,org times and dates snapshots will work. Even though there will be a download link, it will  download a defective file. The Archive links that I saved many years ago for the 2000 service packs (including SP4) have consistently worked without issues: http://sdfox7.com/win2ksp.htm I also have the service packs in my root /2000 directory, which are on my FTP and will work even if the Archive goes down, which it occasionally does: http://sdfox7.com/2000/

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  • 2 months later...

Semi On-Topic - there's another place to clear some Cache crap in "Options"->"Advanced"-"Cached Web Content" (NOTE! It's in a DIFFERENT folder).

Lots of space save by using both those "clear" functions ("Cached" using 250mb!). Best to be out of ALL tabs before you do that. and BEWARE that I had a boogered "Cached" and had to do a chkdsk and manually delete. Be ALSO aware that the whole "different" folder is a "caching folder" (for want of a better term) that you can literally delete and Firfox re-creates it from scratch.

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