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Run GlassToasts (balloon notifications) in Windows 7?


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I have found the program GlassToasts https://www.aveapps.com/glasstoasts.html

The program can't be downloaded from that site any longer but can be downloaded from Softpedia https://www.softpedia.com/get/Tweak/System-Tweak/GlassToasts.shtml

The problem is that it only works in Windows Vista and XP. I wonder if someone has the knowledge to modify it so it works in Windows 7 also?

The original developer has released the source code at Github https://github.com/AndreasVerhoeven/GlassToasts

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Looks like someone expressed the same interest 4 years ago on SevenForums. It does actually work on 32-bit Windows 7 (and also 8.1), though access violation error pops up when logging off.

Those binaries are 32-bit, but we'd need 64-bit ones for it to work on 64-bit systems. In best case scenario, code would just have to be recompiled. But since they're talking about porting it to 64-bit, it probably contains errors which would have to be corrected before it would work properly.

If someone else won't do it, I may look into this again at some later point when I have more time.

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I just wanted to say that I made a mistake, the download link from aveapps does work: https://www.aveapps.com/glasstoast.zip

I mixed them up, it's this link from the developers even older site that doesn't exist any longer: http://mpj.tomaatnet.nl/glasstoast.zip

Source code also available here: https://www.aveapps.com/GlassToastFiles.zip

@UCyborg If no one else knows how to do it, I'm very grateful for your help even if it takes a long time before you can look at it, there's absolutely no hurry.

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  • 1 month later...

Amazing as usual! Super thanks! :thumbup

Just two small bugs I noticed after test:

Even though I use GlassToasts64.exe -auto to hide the start dialog it still shows at every start. I mean this:


The other bug is that the shadow reflection are yellow in start dialog and in skin "Beta1". But it's not yellow in the other skins. Can it be fixed?

Edit: Found third bug that appeared after I put GlassToasts in autostart and restarted computer. This dialog shows several times during startup:


Edited by Martin24
Found third bug.
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I know about some of these issues, it was late and had some other things on my mind. Was going to write about them here anyway.

7 hours ago, Martin24 said:

Even though I use GlassToasts64.exe -auto to hide the start dialog it still shows at every start.

That's actually a "bug" in the Readme which I haven't updated (yet), the correct parameter is -silence

7 hours ago, Martin24 said:

The other bug is that the shadow reflection are yellow in start dialog and in skin "Beta1". But it's not yellow in the other skins. Can it be fixed?

Yes, this one is the most bizarre and only happens in x64 version and only with default skin for unknown reason.

7 hours ago, Martin24 said:

Found third bug that appeared after I put GlassToasts in autostart and restarted computer. This dialog shows several times during startup:


Strange, can't reproduce this one.

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Tried with -silence and it works for me now. :)

The yellow shadow is very strange so I will probably use another skin. More skins can be found at https://www.deviantart.com

I don't know why the "sample" dialog shows for me. Maybe it's related to any other program I have in startup because it only shows at computer startup but never later.

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On 1/18/2019 at 11:28 AM, UCyborg said:

Strange, can't reproduce this one.

Not strange at all after you realize that the program's code for handling messages passed to notification area is flawed. Depending on how programs are coded, GlassToasts could even prevent them from showing an icon in notification area...

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It hasn't prevented any of my icons to show in tray so far and I have about 15 icons there. The most annoying thing is the "sample" dialogs that shows maybe 5-6 times at every startup.

So if that's possible to fix it would be great but otherwise I can add a delay to GlassToasts startup so it starts maybe 30 seconds later and then I will not see any "sample" dialogs any longer.

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Do you still get those random notifications with the updated version?

BTW, I did a test; I compiled modified 32-bit version and tried invoking the code for displaying notifications. Guess what, those yellowish glitches we've discussed showed up! As long as it runs on 64-bit OS, they show up.

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Just tested the new version and now I didn't see any strange dialogs neither at startup or shutdown. :worship:

But that yellow thing is very weird, especially since it only shows in default skin and not in others. :unsure:

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I have (maybe) found a new bug.

When I start my computer about 25% of times the whole taskbar disappears and I must restart explorer.exe to get it back.

I'm not 100% sure if it's related to GlassToasts at all but probably it is because I haven't got this error before.

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