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Is there a way to use an MUI'd Windows 10 install for an upgrade install of different languages?

When I start the install from the root of the Multi-language media on a windows in a different language than the original I get a message that the upgrade isn't possible because the language is different.

On Windows 7 this is not a problem. When I start setup.exe from the root of the media I get a chance to select the language and everything runs fine.

On Windows 10 I have to start setup from the "sources" folder for the language selection screen to appear, but then when I select "Upgrade" setup tells me to start from the root of the media.

7 hours ago, aviv00 said:

maybe change lang offline with dism

would let u upgrade

change the language of what? how?


add mui to image [install.wim file]

or to ur OS

and with dism change the lang


  /Set-LayeredDriver      - Sets keyboard layered driver.
  /Set-UILang             - Sets the default system UI language that is used
                            in the mounted offline image.
  /Set-UILangFallback     - Sets the fallback default language for the system
                            UI in the mounted offline image.
  /Set-UserLocale         - Sets the user locale in the mounted offline image.
  /Set-SysLocale          - Sets the language for non-Unicode programs (also
                            called system locale) and font settings in the
                            mounted offline image.
  /Set-InputLocale        - Sets the input locales and keyboard layouts to
                            use in the mounted offline image.
  /Set-TimeZone           - Sets the default time zone in the mounted offline
  /Set-AllIntl            - Sets all international settings in the mounted
                            offline image.
  /Set-SKUIntlDefaults    - Sets all international settings to the default
                            values for the specified SKU language in the
                            mounted offline image.
  /Gen-LangIni            - Generates a new lang.ini file.
  /Set-SetupUILang        - Defines the default language that will be used
                            by setup.
  /Get-Intl               - Displays information about the international
                            settings and languages.

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