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Odd question in unattended...

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When the computer reboots, will this prompt you for the username and organization and also allow you to add users right from the Welcome screen?
It will ask you about username, but not organization.
It will prompt to add users as long as none exist other than the default ones

I have my admin account autologon after first reboot, then some applications gets installed via runonceex, and as the last line, before shutdown.exe, I call oobe.inf. This will set autoadminlogon to 0, and blank out the autologon username. After reboot the welcome screen appears, just as it does after a normal WinXP install.

If you want to change what you see when you rightclick my computer, properties, this is not for you. This will only let the user choose his/hers logon name.

so how would i reproduce this in my unattended cd?

:) read my post? If you're refering to my dvd strings, just change the text to cd... :rolleyes:



Edited by ToBe
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It appears that there is an undocumented option in oobeinfo.ini.



This will clear out your RegisteredOwner and RegisteredOrganization values that were entered in winnt.sif. Also when you get to the Welcome screen and it asks you for the user accounts, it will automatically make the first user on the list the RegisteredOwner and leave the RegisteredOrganization empty.

This is exactly what I was looking for. Even though it doesn't prompt for RegisteredOwner and Org, it makes the first user account the owner.

sysprep also has an undocumented switch -oempreinst. I am not sure what it does, but just an fyi.


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Did you put this line under options of oobeinfo.ini and then re-ran the Welcome screen?

It worked for me. It cleared the registered info (username and org) and made the "Your username" in the accounts screen the registered owner but left the org blank.

Double check, then post back. I will post my oobeinfo.ini when I get home.


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This is my oobeinfo.ini:





and the welcomescreen is restarted with an inf file, and the switch

HKLM,"SYSTEM\Setup","CmdLine",0x00010000,"%11%\oobe\msoobe.exe /f /retail"

But when I rightclick the "My computer" icon, and look at properties, the registered owner is still the one set in winnt.sif.. :)

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when we sell pre-built Omega Technology systems, before we box them up, we run sysprep off a floppy disk and the PC reboots, then asks for your Name, Org, User accounts etc...

I will have a look at the floppy and see what it actually does to do this... I am pretty sure it doesn't use mini setup but I will check if I can find one of the disks lying around

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frig i don't believe it i have to test this to see if it actually works...

the disk which we use, it only has 3 files on it.... sysprep.exe, setupcl.exe, netcfg.exe... there isn't even a bloody sysprep.inf ???

I have used this disk once myself already.... the machine was on display for a week.. it already had a user account set up as well...

i put the disk in and ran sysprep.exe, ticked the NoSidGen box, ticked the Activated box, changed Shutdown to reboot and pressed OK... it rebooted and asked me for all the info... I'm checking this now with a virtual pc installation and will post back once i see what it does when the system is set up for auto-logon to a preconfigured username...

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Any sureshot method for this ?

Well i'm doin something for this but its not the oobe method, and i'd like to switch to oobe method..

Amywatys the method that i use is :- first i have a temp folder in ($oem$\$1)

so that makes it $oem$\$1\temp, then i have these 2 files in temp folder :-

1. --> Change.vbs

Option Explicit 

Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim ws, t, p1, p2, n, g, cn, cg
Dim itemtype

p1 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\"
p2 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\"

n = ws.RegRead(p1 & "RegisteredOwner")
g = ws.RegRead(p1 & "RegisteredOrganization")
t = "Change Owner and Organization Utility"
cn = InputBox("Type new Owner and click OK", t, n)
If cn <> "" Then
 ws.RegWrite p1 & "RegisteredOwner", cn
 ws.RegWrite p2 & "DefName", cn
End If

cg = InputBox("Type new Organization and click OK.", t, g)
If cg <> "" Then
 ws.RegWrite p1 & "RegisteredOrganization", cg
 ws.RegWrite p2 & "DefCompany", cg
End If

2. ---> register.cmd

@echo off

set /p username= Please Enter the Name of the Account to be created as Administrator =
set /p password= Please Enter the Password of the Account to be created as Administrator =

net user %username% %password% /add
net localgroup Administrators %username% /add
net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

ECHO Registering Windows Xp in your Name...
start /wait %systemdrive%\temp\change.vbs

if exist "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users.windows\*.*" xcopy "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs" "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users.windows\Start Menu\Programs" /s /e /r /y /q

if exist "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\*.*" xcopy "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs" "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs" /s /e /r /y /q

ECHO Deleting Temp Installation Files...
RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\install
RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\temp
ECHO Please wait as we Log you into your New Account
shutdown.exe -l
del "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\startup\register.cmd"

Ok now one question is.. see that All users.Windows !! now why do i get that ? i just want all users, also there is another folder that gets created by default, that is Administrator.(my computer name) PLEASE can someone help me wih this ! i dont want these folders to be created.

OK, on to the topic, then i have a batch file that installs all the apps, then copies the register.cmd to the startup folder of the current user.

I hope this makes some sense :)



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  • 2 years later...

Hey guys,

I know this thrad is a little old, but I've search and can't seem to find the answer. Has anyone been able to get the oobe method to work. Right now my cd is fully unattended and installs addational apps via "Windows Post-Installation Wizard", and then reboots directly back insto "Administrators" desktop. I'd like oobe to run after that reboot to allow the user to create the desired user accounts! :}

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  • 1 year later...

Wow, this is some extremely valuable information - on how to restart the Windows XP OOBE process. The first reply with the registry key worked great. The computer didn't have internet access, so I didn't bother writing the whole reg file, I just opened Registry Editor and keyed in the information. If it hasn't already been mentioned, the raw data in that "hex" key is actually "C:\Windows\System32\oobe\msoobe.exe /f /retail" in Unicode (or some other 16-bit language). I just keyed that in (since it was Dell OEM, I switched "retail" for "oem") and switched OobeInProgress to 1, and rebooted... bam, OOBE.

World's biggest bump.

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