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Microsoft deleted XPSP3/2000SP4 Links


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You can use this URL scheme to have a kind of "direct" links through the Wayback Machine:

One big problem is that a lot of links (especially older and rare languages) have simply not been archived, so knowing the old URL does not help much :(.

For example, http://web.archive.org/web/http://download.microsoft.com/download/c/c/a/ccafe1fa-c4a2-4851-a2a9-eb973e2c3acb/w2ksp4_ar.exe (and _cs, _da, _nl, _fi, _he, _ko, _no, _sv) are dead, and this is just for Windows 2000 SP4.

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  • 1 year later...

does anyone have KB835732 Italian for W2kSP4?

I need it to install .NET 2.0

EDIT: i found it. YAY. here's the link:http://www.secpoint.it/Documenti_prodotti/?directory=.%2FManuali%2FAntintrusione%2FELMO%2FSistema+PPTT%2FSoftware%2FINTRUSIONE%2FTITANIA%2FBrowser%2Fbootstrapper%2FPrereq%2FNETFX20sp1%2F

Edited by lorecast162
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9 hours ago, lorecast162 said:

Just for the record, KB835732 for Windows 2000 is obsolete. It was replaced by Update Rollup 1.

If you want to download the files though, the old updates are still available in the official MS Update Catalog, so there is no need to use any unofficial sources.


Edited by tomasz86
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On Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 0:28 AM, tomasz86 said:

You can use this URL scheme to have a kind of "direct" links through the Wayback Machine:

One big problem is that a lot of links (especially older and rare languages) have simply not been archived, so knowing the old URL does not help much :(.

For example, http://web.archive.org/web/http://download.microsoft.com/download/c/c/a/ccafe1fa-c4a2-4851-a2a9-eb973e2c3acb/w2ksp4_ar.exe (and _cs, _da, _nl, _fi, _he, _ko, _no, _sv) are dead, and this is just for Windows 2000 SP4.

I downloaded those SPs ages ago.  It's a bummer that Microsoft likes to purge these files to kill support for no reason.  Even the XP SPs are gone but as long as you got the original filename you can still search for them and take a chance.  I don't know if that Way Back Machine had archived it or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/22/2017 at 9:37 PM, 98SE said:

I downloaded those SPs ages ago.  It's a bummer that Microsoft likes to purge these files to kill support for no reason.  Even the XP SPs are gone but as long as you got the original filename you can still search for them and take a chance.  I don't know if that Way Back Machine had archived it or not.

I am going to take a stab in the dark, and guess that because the Internet Archive is US-based, many of the foreign pages are not being archived.

As I demonstrated in the below link last year, SOMETIMES it is possible to obtain the downloads in other languages, simply by changing the default microsoft.com/en-us to alternate language while keeping the rest of the link intact, but not always.


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