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Update for Root Certificates for Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003

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I acknowledge your decision not to put direct download link. To make it

easier to understand for persons wanting to download, in the webpage

cited in the first post above, action would simply be;

Click Manual Update, then;

OS Type; 全て

Kind; All

Language; English

Search Keyword:Roots


and then this is the text for the applicable download;

Update for Root Certificates Jan 2016/繝ォ繝シ繝郁ィシ譏取嶌縺ョ譖エ譁

ー繝励Ο繧ー繝ゥ繝[2016蟷エ 1譛� (KB931125+KB3097966) for Windows



NB: I haven't tried or applied this update myself.

Edited by buyerninety
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Additional Information.

You can check install with following command line.


reg QUERY "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{EF289A85-8E57-408d-BE47-73B55609861A}" /v version

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{EF289A85-8E57-408d-BE47-73B55609861A}
    version    REG_SZ    44,0,2195,0


If  it returns "44,0,2195,0" , it was installed in your machine.

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I couldn't get these root certificates to install in Win98. I used regedit to look for the folder in HKLM...\Installed Components\ but couldn't find it:  The command line that blackwingcat recommended didn't work. 

I tried to set KernelEx to Win2K compatibility before running, but this didn't work either.

I simply ran the .exe file.  Is there more to it?

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5 hours ago, Chris46 said:

I couldn't get these root certificates to install in Win98. I used regedit to look for the folder in HKLM...\Installed Components\ but couldn't find it:  The command line that blackwingcat recommended didn't work. 

I tried to set KernelEx to Win2K compatibility before running, but this didn't work either.

I simply ran the .exe file.  Is there more to it?

I try to install 2017 root certificates update on Windows 95.

the advpack.dll is Win98 and later only, so I delete it. and install inf.

I can find registry. It is installed on Windows 95.

Perhaps Win98 has no problem.

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Thank you BlackWingCat

When I run the update on Win2K, I see the progress line (extracting) then a few seconds later a message that update was successful

When I run the update on Win98, I see the progress line, then nothing.   Also I notice the original advpack.dll was replaced by a 2013 version

I guess I can export certificates from the Win2K registry, then import them to the Win98 registry if I knew exactly where they were

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