mazin Posted May 10, 2004 Author Posted May 10, 2004 Well, Teasy.I thought, deeply, in your suggestions.If you are unsure about what plugins you may need, or wether you should need to use some deleted plugins, then you need the following solution.Append these lines to your batch file:ECHO.ECHO Moving Adobe Plugins to Optional folderren "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\Optional" Optional1ren "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins" Optionalren "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\Optional1" plug_insmove "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\README.TXT" "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\Optional\"ECHO.As you can see, Plugins inside "plug_ins" folder are not actually moved, but they really moved!No fear! If you do this trick, Adobe will open and behave correctly.If you want to ask "Why did you ignore the idea of plug_insBAK?", the answer is "Open README.TXT inside the Optional folder and you'll find the answer!".I hope you're satisfied with this solution.Within few days, there will be some additional customizations for Adobe Reader.
mazin Posted May 11, 2004 Author Posted May 11, 2004 Adobe Reader - a tale of a pluginWhen you open Adobe Reader, you find a colorful rectangular box on the right of toolbar.This box displays 8 messages, one at a time. If you are connected to the Internet, it should direct your browser to one of 8 URLs depending on what message is displayed when you click it.This box is known as the Adverts and it's not a plugin since it has no API.These are the 8 messages along with their URLs:Message: Do more with Adobe PDFURL: Create documents anyone can openURL: View Adobe PDF files while you're on the roadURL: Search Adobe PDF filesURL: Simplify your review cyclesURL: Easily share digital photosURL: Use electronic forms instead of paperURL: Simplify your communications!URL: source of this box with its messages and URLs is a PDF file called "RdrMsgENU.pdf". This file is located in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\Messages\ENU\Now, you may say: "I should delete this file, so I get rid of that useless box.".Yes, deleting this file should eliminate the box. But, instead of the rectangular box, you'll have a rectangular hole in the toolbar!This is what was, exactly, done by a stupid MST file distributed somewhere on the Internet.This is, also, what will happen if you expand: AR6.msi --> Acrobat Reader --> Reader Message Files, in WinINSTALL, then choose "Not Available".Then, any of the three solutions should leave you with a rectangular hole in the toolbar.Here is the solution; no Adverts and no space in the toolbar:In WinINSTALL, highlight AR6.msi, highlight the Registry title.Expand tree: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0Right-click "6.0", then add a new key "AdsInReader".Right-click "AdsInReader", then add this new value:Value=bShowAdsType=REG_DWORDData=0
Teasy Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 hi mazinthank you for the great work you do ... the hint with the ads frame is greatyour workaround with the renaming of the directories looks good, but as we use novell zenworks for software deployment, i am a litte bit handycapped with such tricksi have two possibilities ... either making a complete "snapshot" of the installation of adobe reader (where i can place the files where i want) - works good, but sometimes we have problems with the browser plugins and internet explorer or i use the msi installer feature of adobe reader ... but i can only work with msi-only or with msi and mst file ... and if i don't want to loose the repair option of the msi, i can't use a batch file for the deploymentwell ... if i can't change the target path of (a) specific file(s) in the msi or with a mst, it is much easier for me to delete the "unneeded" files in the msi and install with it
mazin Posted May 12, 2004 Author Posted May 12, 2004 TeasyI'm sorry if that solution can't help. The problem is that you want both: plugins and no plugins.However, I'm working on some enhancements for the plugins issue. When I finish, it may be useful to you. Keep visiting.Stay tuned.
mazin Posted May 13, 2004 Author Posted May 13, 2004 Adobe Reader - Plugins ListWithin a few days, I'm going to write a new post on how to delete plugins from AR6.msi and their related files from! Untill that time, you can have a look at Adobe plugins installed on your PC, so you can decide what to delete. Information displayed here are obtained from: Help --> About Adobe Plug-Ins..., and Help --> System Info...1- Acrobat AccessibilityFile name: Accessibility.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\Accessibility.apiDescription-------------Acrobat Accessibility plug-in allows assistive technology such as screen readers to interact with Acrobat.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: Acroform, EScript, PDDomPlug-ins required for full functionality: MakeAccessible2- Acrobat PDDomFile name: PDDom.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\PDDom.apiDescription-------------Structure and content toolkit used for accessibility and content re-purposing.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for full functionality: MakeAccessible, AcroForm3- Acrobat Public-Key SecurityFile name: PPKLite.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\PPKLite.apiDescription-------------Acrobat Public-Key Security plug-in provides public-key signing and encryption services. The plug-in includes generic services that can be used by all public-key security handlers (plug-ins). The plug-in also includes two public-key security handler implementations from Adobe Systems Inc: integration with Microsoft Windows certificate and cryptographic services (MSCAPI, Windows only); direct support for industry standard PKCS#12, password-protected private key storage files (Default Certificate Security). Check the Adobe web site to find public-key security handlers from other security product vendors.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: DigSig, AcroForm, EScriptPlug-ins required for full functionality: LegalPDF, Checkers, SendMail, WebLink, Updater, EFS4- Adobe DRMFile name: eBook.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\eBook.apiDescription-------------Adobe DRM plug-in provides features for obtaining and reading documents protected with AdobeDRM technology.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: NonePlug-ins required for full functionality: Comments, EFS, Weblink, SendMail, Make Accessible5- Acrobat CommentsFile name: Annots.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\Annotations\Annots.apiDescription-------------Acrobat Comments plug-in allows users to markup online and offline documents using Acrobat.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: EScript, Acroform, Internet Access, and WeblinkPlug-ins required for full functionality: SendMail and Multimedia6- Digital SignatureFile name: DigSig.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\DigSig.apiDescription-------------Digital Signature plug-in (DigSig) provides a generic PDF file digital-signing service. Signing plug-ins can register with this plug-in to provide specific signing implementations (e.g. public-key digital signatures, or biometric signatures). Acrobat includes the PPKLite security plug-in which provides public-key digital signature capability. Check the Adobe web site to find signature handlers from other security product vendors.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: AcroForm, EScriptPlug-ins required for full functionality: LegalPDF, Checkers, SendMail, WebLink, Updater, EFS, PPKLite7- ECMAScriptFile name: EScript.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\EScript.apiDescription-------------Adobe EScript Plug-In allows PDF documents to take advantage of JavaScript. See the Acrobat JavaScript Object Specification (AcroJS.pdf) for more details. This document can be accessed through Adobe's web site.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: NonePlug-ins required for full functionality: EFS, Movie, Search,SendMail, Spelling, Weblink, and Web Capture8- External Window HandlerFile name: EWH32.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\EWH32.apiDescription-------------Acrobat Browser Manager plug-in allows users to view PDF files in their web browser.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: Netscape, ActiveX9- Acrobat FormsFile name: AcroForm.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\AcroForm.apiDescription-------------Acrobat Forms plug-in allows users to work with electronic forms using Acrobat.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: EScriptPlug-ins required for full functionality: WebLink, IA32, WebPDF, SendMail, Spelling, DigSig10- Acrobat Highlight ServerFile name: HLS.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\HLS.apiDescription-------------Acrobat Highlight Server plug-in allows users to see search highlights from web searches in PDF files in their web browser.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: EWH11- Adobe Image ViewerFile name: ImageViewer.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\ImageViewer\ImageViewer.APIDescription-------------Adobe Image Viewer Plugin allows users to view multimedia slideshows.Dependencies--------------None12- Internet AccessFile name: IA32.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\IA32.apiDescription-------------This plug-ins provides Internet Access for Acrobat.Dependencies--------------None13- Make AccessibleFile name: MakeAccessible.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\MakeAccessible.apiDescription-------------Converts untagged PDF to tagged Adobe PDF. Tagged PDF can be read by a screen reader. In addition, tagged Adobe PDF can be reflowed with the new reflow feature in Acrobat 5 as well as saved into RTF (Rich Text Format) format. For more information on creating accessible PDF refer to http://access.adobe.comDependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: NonePlug-ins required for full functionality: Spelling14- Adobe MultimediaFile name: Multimedia.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\Multimedia\Multimedia.apiDescription-------------Adobe Multimedia plug-in allows users to author and play back multimedia content such as movies and sounds.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: AcroForm, Comments, Checkers, EFS, Escript, and WebLinkPlug-ins required for full functionality: AcroForm, Comments, Checkers, EFS, Escript, and WebLink15- Adobe Picture TasksFile name: PictureTasks.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\PictureTasks\PictureTasks.apiDescription-------------Adobe Picture Tasks plug-in allows users to export, edit, and print digital pictures from Adobe PDF files.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins requires for loading: Escript, IA32, Soap, and WeblinkPlug-ins requires for full functionality: None16- ReflowFile name: reflow.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\reflow.apiDescription-------------Reflows the contents of a page to fit the width of the window.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: NonePlug-ins required for full functionality: None17- SaveAsRTFFile name: SaveAsRTF.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\SaveAsRTF.apiDescription-------------Filter for saving PDF text and images as Rich Text Format.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: PDDomPlug-ins required for full functionality: MakeAccessible, ImageConversion, EScript18- SearchFile name: Search.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\Search.apiDescription-------------Search plug-in serves as a backend for providing search services. It also loads indexes for special documents that contain the AutoIndex key.Dependencies--------------None19- Search5File name: Search5.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\Search5.apiDescription-------------Search5 plug-in serves as a backend for providing services to search indexes created by earlier versions of Catalog.Dependencies--------------Search.api20- Acrobat SendMailFile name: SendMail.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\SendMail.apiDescription-------------Acrobat SendMail plug-in adds a toolbar button to enable sending the current document as an attachment from the specified email client.Dependencies--------------External : Email client installed on user machine21- SOAPFile name: Soap.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\Soap.apiDescription-------------SOAP plugin allows connectivity to Web Services through the SOAP Protocol.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: Escript and EFSPlug-ins required for full functionality: None22- UpdaterFile name: Updater.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\Updater.apiDescription-------------Updater plug-in manages the list of updates that are available for the Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat products.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: EScript, IA32, SOAP, WebLink23- Acrobat WeblinkFile name: weblink.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\weblink.apiDescription-------------Acrobat Weblink plug-in allows users to link to web pages from PDF files.Dependencies--------------EScript24- XFAFile name: XFA.apiLocation: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\plug_ins\XFA.apiDescription-------------XML Forms Architecture (XFA) extensions to Acrobat Forms.Dependencies--------------Plug-ins required for loading: AcroForm, EScript, DigSigPlug-ins required for full functionality: Annots
mazin Posted May 14, 2004 Author Posted May 14, 2004 (edited) Adobe Reader 6.0 - The Slim BoyIf we want Adobe Reader for only reading and printing PDFs, then we can get rid of so many plugins and files. The following plan is tested and led to error-free installation.I suggest you do it all as mentioned below; at least, one time in your life, then see the results. Again, I applied this plan, installed Adobe Reader, ran it successfully, and had no errors of any type.After you finish this plan, you should have deleted 173 files and kept 33 files only!After installation, Adobe Reader should occupy 15.7 MB on your hard disk instead of 40.2 MB!I suggest you apply this plan without deleting files from at this time, untill you see the results. However, the original cab (206 files) =22.7 MB, and the new one (33 files)=9.53 MB. A list of files needed is in the attached rar (7 kb).Your feedback and suggestions are welcomed. You don't need to be reminded: "Keep a backup of your originals".the first group - Acrobat Reader Program FilesHighlight the "General" title.Expand: AR6.msi --> Acrobat Reader --> Acrobat Reader Program FilesDelete Feature: Reader Online DocumentationDelete cab files:addfile.gifareatool.gifattach.gifbkgrnd_art.gifcrossouttxt.gifdistance.gifeBook01.htmleBook02.htmleBook04.htmleBook08.htmleBook09.htmleBook.htmlebookonline.gifhandtool.gifhighlighter.gifHowTo02.htmlHowTo03.htmlHowTo04.htmlHowTo11.htmlHowTo15.htmlHowTo21.htmlHowTo.htmllayerisvisible.giflistview.gifmeasure_loop.gifnotes.gifperimeter.gifreadebook.gifReview05.htmlReview06.htmlReview08.htmlReview09.htmlReview16.htmlReview18.htmlReview19.htmlReview.htmlselecttext.gifSign02.htmlSign05.htmlSign06.htmlSign08.htmlSign10.htmlSign11.htmlSign.htmlsnapshot.gifthumbnailview.giftip.gifunderlinetxt.gifDelete Feature: New Feature 127Delete cab files: No files to deleteDelete Feature: Reader ActiveXDelete cab files:AcroIEHelper.dllpdf.ocxpdf.tlbDelete Feature: New Feature 42Delete cab files: Annots.apiDelete Feature: New Feature 40Delete cab files: ENUtxt.pdfDo not delete this Feature: New Feature 47Do not delete this cab file: Reader.pdfDelete Feature: New Feature 52Delete cab files:Flash.mppMCIMPP.mppmedia.jsMultimedia.apiQuickTime.mppReal.mppWindowsMedia.mppAfter deleting "New Feature 46", add these two values to the "Originals" key at:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\OriginalsValue=bBrowserCheckType=REG_DWORDData=0Value=bBrowserIntegrationType=REG_DWORDData=0Delete Feature: New Feature 46Delete cab files: nppdf32.dllDelete Feature: New Feature 44Delete cab files: README.TXTDelete Feature: New Feature 43Delete cab files:AcroForm.apiAcroSign.prcDigSig.apiEScript.apiEWH32.apiHLS.apiIA32.apiPPKLite.apiSearch.apiSendMail.apiSoap.apiweblink.apiBefore deleting "New Feature 87", press "Conditions" tab on the right window, then delete [DISABLE_PRINTME=YES].A successful approach to have an error-free installation is to delete a feature condition before deleting the feature itself.After deleting "New Feature 87", go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\PrintMe, and make sure the "PrintMe" key is deleted.Delete Feature: New Feature 87Delete cab files:ConsoleApp.exePMAdobeIndex.urlprintme.apiBefore you delete "New Feature 48", highlight AR6.msi, go to: Summary --> Support Information --> Helpfile URL --> delete "[iNSTALLDIR]Readme.htm"Delete Feature: New Feature 48Delete cab files: ReadMe.htmDelete Feature: New Feature 107Delete cab files: No files to deleteDelete Feature: New Feature 108Delete cab files: No files to deleteDelete Feature: New Feature 45Delete cab files:Dynamic.pdfSignHere.pdfStandardBusiness.pdfWords.pdfDelete Feature: Reader XFA PluginDelete cab files: XFA.apiIn an earlier post, we added a registry key with some values to this tree:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\UpdaterDelete the key "Updater" from the tree as long as you delete its feature.Delete Feature: UpdaterDelete cab files:acroaum.exeAdobeUpdateManager.exebootstrap.jsesdupdate.dllUpdater.apiDelete Component: {F93D0124-0C9E-412D-AD66-6CF6C9867635}Delete cab files:aform.jsAnnots.jsDelete Component: {9C0EA1F8-C111-4AC4-81F6-4F9C238CBAE0}Delete cab files: Acrofx32.dllDelete Component: {072CB144-35FF-430C-9430-068143620C3E}Delete cab files:cos2xfdf.xmlxfdf2cos.xmlthe second group - Search and IndexHighlight the "General" title.Expand: AR6.msi --> Acrobat ReaderBefore deleting this feature, press "Conditions" tab on the right window, then delete the four conditions listed there.Delete Feature: Search and IndexDelete cab files:acro20.lngOnix32.dllSearch5.apiVDK10.CMPVDK10.LICVdk10.lngVDK10.RSDVdk10.rstVDK10.STCVDK10.STDVDK10.STPVDK10.SYDVDK10.SYXVDK10.THDvdk150.dllthe third group - New Feature 56Highlight the "General" title.Expand: AR6.msi --> Acrobat ReaderDelete Feature: New Feature 56Delete cab files:A4_35.pdfA4_46.pdfA4_57.pdfA4_810.pdfA4_fit.pdfA4_indx.pdfA4_wal.pdfAXEParser.dllB5_35.pdfB5_46.pdfB5_57.pdfB5_fit.pdfB5_indx.pdfB5_wal.pdfdescription.xmledit.gifexport.gifhowto.gifjapanesepostcard_35.pdfjapanesepostcard_fit.pdfjapanesepostcard_indx.pdfjapanesepostcard_wal.pdflegal_35.pdflegal_46.pdflegal_57.pdflegal_810.pdflegal_fit.pdflegal_indx.pdflegal_wal.pdfletter_35.pdfletter_46.pdfletter_57.pdfletter_810.pdfletter_fit.pdfletter_indx.pdfletter_wal.pdfmanifest.xmlOnlineServices.dllonlineservices.zdtorderprints.giforderproj.gifPictureTasks.apipicturetasks_ENU.htmlprint.giftabloid_35.pdftabloid_46.pdftabloid_57.pdftabloid_810.pdftabloid_fit.pdftabloid_indx.pdftabloid_wal.pdfTerms of Use.txtthe fourth group - Reader Message FilesHighlight the "General" title.Expand: AR6.msi --> Acrobat ReaderAs I said in an earlier post, this feature represents the Adverts box (ads frame). If you delete this feature, you'll have a rectangular hole in the toolbar. Instead, you can add a registry key with a certain value to prevent it from loading. However, if you want to delete it, these are the details:Do not delete this Feature: Reader Message FilesDo not delete this cab file: RdrMsgENU.pdfthe fifth group - Image Viewer PluginHighlight the "General" title.Expand: AR6.msi --> Acrobat ReaderDelete Feature: Image Viewer PluginDelete cab files:ImageViewer.APISVGCore.DLLsvgrsrc.dllSVGViewer.dictthe sixth group - eBook (This is left unnamed!)Highlight the "General" title.Expand: AR6.msi --> Acrobat ReaderBefore deleting this feature, press "Conditions" tab on the right window, then delete the condition [DISABLE_EBOOK=YES].Delete Feature: Unnamed FeatureDelete cab files:eBook.apiedb1drv.dlledb500x.dllGbDetect.dllthe seventh group - AccessibilityHighlight the "General" title.Expand: AR6.msi --> Acrobat Reader --> AccessibilityDelete Component: {748BB595-7B9F-4311-8AE0-041BF6FDF392}Delete cab files: Accessibility.apiDelete Component: {3F3BDF7F-02D3-4B9E-8A97-160F3A654C50}Delete cab files: MakeAccessible.apiDelete Component: {FCD1B367-1D6B-49E9-A7F5-AA59F9D39346}Delete cab files: PDDom.apiDo not delete this Component: {AFB238C7-E9CE-4871-9375-9D6F4BC5ED8D}Do not delete this cab file: reflow.apiDelete Component: {989FC69F-D6B2-465F-BF71-67EF0AB6F4FD}Delete cab files: SaveAsRTF.apiAs you can see, the Accessibility feature is kept. Four components under it are deleted, and one is kept.the eighth group - New Feature 13Highlight the "General" title.Expand: AR6.msi --> Reader Registry IntegrationDelete Feature: New Feature 13Delete cab files:License.rtfOn page 2 in this thread, we created two keys and values related to the "EULA". Create them, now, if you haven't already done so.Also, there was a value for the splash screen "bDisplayAboutDialog". You can create it, now, if you haven't already done so.AR6_files.rar Edited June 16, 2004 by mazin
mazin Posted May 19, 2004 Author Posted May 19, 2004 Fifth Example--------------------Norton AntiVirus Pro 2004Import SYMLT.MSI, PARENT.MSI, and NAV.MSI; one at a time. They're read-only files, so eliminate this property before or after importing to allow for saving.Those MSIs are found inside a subfolder named "NAV" in your orginal installation folder of NAVPro2004.For each, type the exact file name as a description, i.e., SYMLT, PARENT, and NAV.Also, do not check the box "Copy Package Source Files". Although I checked that box to learn what files are needed by those three MSIs, I'm telling you not to check it because you will spend time re-organizing files to their corresponding folders again.So, save your time and go to the link provided at the end of this post to learn what files to delete, if you wish.SYMLT - Integrate your CD Install KeyHighlight both "SYMLT.MSI" and "General" title.Go to "InstallModes" tab, then check the box "Show basic user...".Go to "Advanced" tab --> Sequence --> Install --> Execute, then delete the action "ScheduleReboot".Exapnd tree: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\CCPD-LC\KStoreRight-click "KStore", then add a new key "00000082".Right-click "00000082", then add a new key "00000002".Right-click "00000002", then add a new key "00000002". (Yes, two keys with the same name)Right-click "00000002" (the last one), then add this new value:value=KeyType=REG_SZData=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxYour key is entered without dashes.PARENT - Nothing specialRemove "ScheduleReboot" the same way as mentioned above.Check the box "Show basic user..." the same way as mentioned above.NAV - Remove NAV link from Explorer toolbarRemove "SetReboot" the same way as mentioned above; different action name but the same procedure.Check the box "Show basic user..." the same way as mentioned above.Expand tree: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ToolbarIf you don't want NAV link in Explorer toolbar, delete the key "Toolbar", then delete the key "Internet Explorer".If you highlight the "Shortcut" title, you'll find six shortcuts. The last one is "Norton AntiVirus 2004 Professional" of "[iNSTALLDIR]BootWarn.exe", and it's placed on your desktop.If you delete it from here, it'll be created by another means after restarting your PC! So, deleting it makes no difference.The other five can be deleted if you don't want a shortcut folder in Start menu.NAV silent installation link: with the post titled: NAV Pro 2004: The Final Battle!Of course, you won't need the reg file nor its string in the batch. Also, you won't need the string related to NAV link in toolbar.In brief, you'll need this: start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\NAV2004\NAVSETUP.exe /qb
Djus Posted May 19, 2004 Posted May 19, 2004 @MazinHiCould you help me with Acdsee603 plz?!I have a moded acdsee.msi and all works "fine", but I would like to remove:1. only to install Acdsee, without Fotocanvas and Fotoslate.2.install without archive plug-ins and Device detector."fine" because its not silent, its only reged.Gui starts and I have to bla is it posiblle to remove all this and make it full silent?thxDjus
Djus Posted May 19, 2004 Posted May 19, 2004 @MazinHiI would like to install Acdsee603 without Fotocanvas and Fotoslate.Also without device detector and Archive plug-in (zip,rar)I have a moded Acdsee.msi thxDjus
RyanVM Posted May 19, 2004 Posted May 19, 2004 I'm trying to use WinInstall LE to slim down the MSXML 4.0 SP2 install package by removing the SDK portion. However, I've noticed that the MSI's file size doesn't change even after removing the offending sections (the file count in the MSI does decrease like it's supposed to). It's like the references to the file are removed but not the files themselves.
mazin Posted May 19, 2004 Author Posted May 19, 2004 RyanVMYes, references only are deleted from the MSI, either it's compressed or not.Compressed means: both MSI and installation files are packed into one MSI.But if your MSI is accompanied by other files, like cab or plain folders or any, then it's said to be uncompressed. In this case, you can delete unnecessary files from the cab or other folders after deleting their references from the MSI. This way, your entire package gets decreased.This is what I did to Adobe Reader 6.0 - The Slim Boy!
mazin Posted May 19, 2004 Author Posted May 19, 2004 For ACDSee PowerPack 6.0.3, nothing is different from ACDSee 6.0.2 guide on page 1.To run it unattended:On the "Install Modes" tab, check the box "Show basic user interface only (simple progress and error handling)".To suppress reboot:Click "Advanced" tab, then "Sequence", "Install", then "Execute". Highlight the action "ScheduleReboot", then delete it!To disable installing Archive Plug-ins:Expand "ACDSee.msi", highlight "Archive Plug-ins", then choose "Not Available". This disables installing ALL archive plug-ins.But, if you want to disable only some of them, then expand "Archive Plug-ins", too. Then, highlight the plug-in you don't want installed, and choose "Not Available" for it.To disable installing ACD Device Detector:Highlight "ACD Device Detector", then choose "Not Available".When disabling a feature, do not worry about its registry keys or its shortcuts, as they will be disabled, too, unless a registry key is for serial numbers.To disable installing ACD FotoCanvas 3.0:Highlight "ACD FotoCanvas 3.0", then choose "Not Available".Still, you need to enter the "LicenseNumber" for "ACD FotoCanvas 3.0" if you need no problems at installation time.Your LicenseNumber should be in this format: ###-###-###-###-###-###You insert it here:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ACD Systems\FotoCanvas\30 --> LicenseNumberTo disable installing ACD FotoSlate 3.0:Highlight "ACD FotoSlate 3.0", then choose "Not Available".Still, you need to enter the "LicenseNumber" for "ACD FotoSlate 3.0". It's the same one above.You insert it here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ACD Systems\FotoSlate\30 --> LicenseNumberTo register ACDSee:Enter your "LicenseNumber" here, as above:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ACD Systems\61 --> LicenseNumberHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ACD Systems\ACDSee\60 --> LicenseNumberFor shortcuts, all disabled items won't have any, neither on your desktop nor in Start menu.The only shortcut on your desktop is for ACDSee. You can delete it under the "Shortcuts" title.There's also a shortcut for ACDSee in your Start menu. It can be deleted under the "Shortcuts" title, too, if you wish.
RyanVM Posted May 20, 2004 Posted May 20, 2004 RyanVMYes, references only are deleted from the MSI, either it's compressed or not.Compressed means: both MSI and installation files are packed into one MSI.But if your MSI is accompanied by other files, like cab or plain folders or any, then it's said to be uncompressed. In this case, you can delete unnecessary files from the cab or other folders after deleting their references from the MSI. This way, your entire package gets decreased.This is what I did to Adobe Reader 6.0 - The Slim Boy!How do I extract the files from the MSI file so I can change/delete them?Basically, I want to delete the unneeded SDK files and add an updated msxml4.dll from a hotfix. Is there a way I can get access to the CAB contained within the MSI file?
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