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The following code from quote boxes in 2005 still works for directly linking to individual posts, and is still the shortest possible URL format (which I prefer over the new long, hard to type URLs).


Here are some other URL forms from the 2005 iteration of MSFN that still work, and are usually still the shortest possible by cutting out the extra unnecessary verbiage:


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Actually I was just trying to find a NAME= anchor in there to use a # relative link, and it appears the forum software doesn't generate one in the webpage, just ID's ...

And since they used ID's in here there appears to be no way to avoid reloading the entire page when only jumping to a specific post. I was trying to use jumping to a #name leaving off the site url.

If they had used NAME= in the served webpage ( even in addition to the ID= ) the URL might be something like this ( substituting angle brackets for square for the examples naturally ) ...

<A HREF="hxxp://www.msfn.org/board/topic/104871-puzzling-registry-size-issue.html#1010728">

Which could be successfully shortened to this ...

<A HREF="#1010728">

Clicking on that link would jump directly to that local anchor defined by <A NAME=> , with no full page reload ( and no extra slot in the browser history either )

But it looks like the actual format is this ...

<A HREF="hxxp://www.msfn.org/board/topic/104871-puzzling-registry-size-issue/page__view__findpost__p__1010728">

Using a server side query rather than a static URL, I guess.

No big deal anyway, just a test. Thanks for the tips though!

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The forum still supports "snapback" type links. For example:


Gets converted to


Automatically by the board.

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The forum still supports "snapback" type links. For example:


Gets converted to


Automatically by the board.

1st one ... link

2nd one ... link

2nd one short ... link

I guess that there is error checking killing that last one that uses the leading pound anchor ="#.

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It should be simple enough to create a BBCode like this

http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid= & ""

So say [msfn] "post number" [/msfn] could be used and generate the above URL automatically. Just like how the Youtube thing works?

But I wonder if it would be widely used? :unsure:

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[ code] and

[codebox ] can be used to display text formatted with spaces. Don't know of any invisible escape characters to mask brackets. You could always add a space within a tag to break it as shown in the first and third words of this post. Or you can add a useless pair within a tag to break it invisibly like so:

[[u][/u]code]This is not code.[[u][/u]/code]

...displays as [code]This is not code.[/code].

Strategically placed useless pairs will also prevent URLs from being parsed as links. :)


This technique used with an [url] tag can be used to prevent automatic URL shortening in the actual link:


...compared to...


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  • 1 year later...

TEST [1024x768]

'Use Full Editor'

Aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aa

72 w/o scrollbar rightside vertical, 71 w/ scrollbar rightside vertical

Don't use the

 tag, it doesn't work very well. You can still find old posts that use it, and the


code just runs off the side of the


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