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7Customizer Components removal

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Can someone help or point me to the place that will show me what to do to get 7Customer.0.5.0c to remove windows 7 components. I have tried everything bit cannot get it to work for me. I select the components in the "7Customizer Tweaks Section" in select "Don't display ..." the componets, "Games", Pictures", "Documents", "Music".... but they still show in the Start Menu once I install windows 7. How and what do I need to do to get 7Customizer to remove the components? Please refer the attached file. I really would apprecaite your help to resolve this problem.ponents , "



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Are you applying the tweaks to the proper image? Most wim files have multiple versions of Windows 7 on disc.

BTW, I read you used a slipstreamed iso, right? Is this one you made yourself or are you using an actual image direct from Microsoft with the service pack natively added in?

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This is the actual Windows 7 RTM version DVD. Not a slipstream version. I need to know when tweaking the image do I need to do anything to ehe XML file. What do I need to do? It is unclear what is needed to be done. Can someone tell me step-by-step once the options are check for Tweak, components, etc, do I need to modify or change the tweak or components xml files as I showed in the attached file earlier.

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I stopped using 7C when I realized it was never going to rise from ashes again. Just like RT7Lite, only the latter was much much crappier :P

In the end I learned to do it all by myself. Win win!

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