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Which post SP3 updates will not integrate in the nLite ?


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I use -X- Update down-loader,along with the IE-8 add-on creator with the nLite and it works great. But I Also want to slipstream wmp11 and all those updates and I will use Boooggy's WMP11 slip streamer for that..

My questions are:

1. Should I slipstream wmp11 before or after I slipstream -X- updates..

2. After I slipstream everything in the right order and install my new custom CD, there will be more updates showing up on windows update site,so how do I know which of THESE NEW updates will or will not slipstream in the nLite ?

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1. You should do it all in one run so the answer is at the same time. Put Boooggy's slipstreamer in the nLite folder and nLite will automatically use it. Note: You should not use the WindowsXP-WindowsMedia-KBxxxxxx-x86-ENU.cab files but instead the original files. See footnote 1.

2. The reason you are seeing more updates is because I haven't touched the site in 2 months (getting tired of it :( ). Regarding the new updates not on my list, they should all slipstream.

Here are the updates, I haven't gotten too...





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1. You should do it all in one run so the answer is at the same time. Put Boooggy's slipstreamer in the nLite folder and nLite will automatically use it.

What nlite folder, You mean in the nlite 'program files' folder ? So download the slipstreamer and put it in the nlite 'program files' folder or download it and 'install' it to the nlite 'program files' folder ?

Note: You should not use the WindowsXP-WindowsMedia-KBxxxxxx-x86-ENU.cab files but instead the original files. See footnote 1.

You mean use the original files instead of the UDC created add-ons now that the wmp 11 slipstreamer will be in use ?

Edited by aliceinchains
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Yes, the nLite Program Files folder.

OK.... Do I 'install' wmp 11 slipstreamer to the folder or just download it and place it in the folder ?

Correct, don't use the UDC created ones for WMP11.

Ok but I still use these UDC ones ?





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I'm not sure if it comes with an installer. Just place the file in the nLite folder. If it comes with an installer, install to the nLite folder.

Yes, those are fine.

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I just got done updating the web page and script to January's patch Tuesday. http://xdot.tk/

You may want to download the new script and run in in your current updates folder or you can do it manually via the changes below...


January 2012

+ WindowsXP-KB2584146-x86-ENU.exe

+ WindowsXP-KB2585542-x86-ENU.exe

+ WindowsXP-KB2598479-x86-ENU.exe

+ WindowsXP-KB2603381-x86-ENU.exe

+ WindowsXP-KB2631813-x86-ENU.exe

+ WindowsXP-KB2646524-x86-ENU.exe

- WindowsXP-KB971737-x86-ENU.exe and WindowsXP-KB2541763-x86-ENU.exe replaced by WindowsXP-KB2585542-x86-ENU.exe

- WindowsXP-KB975562-x86-ENU.exe replaced by WindowsXP-KB2631813-x86-ENU.exe

- WindowsXP-KB2567680-x86-ENU.exe replaced by WindowsXP-KB2646524-x86-ENU.exe

December 2011

+ WindowsXP-KB2618444-x86-ENU.exe %5B4%5D

+ WindowsXP-KB2618451-x86-ENU.exe

+ WindowsXP-KB2619339-x86-ENU.exe

+ WindowsXP-KB2620712-x86-ENU.exe

+ WindowsXP-KB2624667-x86-ENU.exe

+ WindowsXP-KB2633171-x86-ENU.exe

+ WindowsXP-KB2639417-x86-ENU.exe

- WindowsXP-KB2507938-x86-ENU.exe replaced by WindowsXP-KB2567680-x86-ENU.exe and WindowsXP-KB2620712-x86-ENU.exe

- WindowsXP-KB2562937-x86-ENU.exe replaced by WindowsXP-KB2618451-x86-ENU.exe

- WindowsXP-KB2567053-x86-ENU.exe replaced by WindowsXP-KB2639417-x86-ENU.exe

- WindowsXP-KB2586448-x86-ENU.exe replaced by WindowsXP-KB2618444-x86-ENU.exe

November 23, 2011

+ WindowsXP-KB2633952-x86-ENU.exe

- WindowsXP-KB2570791-x86-ENU.exe replaced by WindowsXP-KB2633952-x86-ENU.exe

Footnote #4: If you're slipstreaming IE8, replace WindowsXP-KB2618444-x86-ENU.exe with IE8-WindowsXP-KB2618444-x86-ENU.exe.

Edited by -X-
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I just got done updating the web page and script to January's patch Tuesday. http://xdot.tk/updates.html

You may want to download the new script and run in in your current updates folder or you can do it manually via the changes below...

What does this do, to run it in my update folder ? In other words, what is the advantage of running this in an update folder as opposed to just running it as current ? (thanks for updating it,by the way) :)

Also, I did use the wmp 11 slip streamer and I replaced the 6 media player add-on update cabs with the ones from Microsoft and 'KB975558' didn't install because it showed up on windows updates. Any Ideas why ? The other ones were added.

Plus, what is the difference if you use that add-on cabs or the ones from Microsoft, wouldn't nlite grab them just the same ?

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What does this do, to run it in my update folder ? In other words, what is the advantage of running this in an update folder as opposed to just running it as current

Running it in the current update folder will ONLY download the newer files that are not present and will move the outdated files to a folder named Obsolete.

Also, I did use the wmp 11 slip streamer and I replaced the 6 media player add-on update cabs with the ones from Microsoft and 'KB975558' didn't install because it showed up on windows updates. Any Ideas why ? The other ones were added.

Don't know. Maybe it's a bug with Booooggy's slipstreamer. I looked at the update internally and it seems like a normal update.

Plus, what is the difference if you use that add-on cabs or the ones from Microsoft, wouldn't nlite grab them just the same ?

If you are referring to the WMP ones, the add-ons only have the file versions for WMP 9. The other non WMP add-ons can't be processed by nLite in their original form.

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Don't know. Maybe it's a bug with Booooggy's slipstreamer. I looked at the update internally and it seems like a normal update.

By the way, I noticed that Booooggy's slipstreamer automatically pops up when it slipstreams wmp11 but it doesn't actually show it slipstreaming the wmp updates. It this right ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

1. You should do it all in one run so the answer is at the same time. Put Boooggy's slipstreamer in the nLite folder and nLite will automatically use it. Note: You should not use the WindowsXP-WindowsMedia-KBxxxxxx-x86-ENU.cab files but instead the original files. See footnote 1.

-X- ... Hey man, Here is the problem with doing this all at once... You can't add any of the updates for wmp 11 to Boooggy's slipstreamer when you do it in the same run as you described,it only installs wmp11....

However you did say to replace your 6 wmp addons updates with the regular ones, (since I'm slipstreaming wmp11) so I added them to the nlite as that was my only option unless you know otherwise. (?)

Interesting enough, 5 out of 6 installed but KB975558 will not install with the nlite. This does bring me to a couple of questions.. I'm curious why you made the wmp addon cab files when 5 out of 6 regular ones slipstreamed in the nlite. My other question is how can I get KB975558 to slipstream ? I want to do this all in one shot but this just isn't possible the way I see it and All because of that one **** update.. lol

Any suggestions ? :unsure:

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