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WPI v8.4.6 Release thread

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Al 5 user files HAVE to be moved to the new "UserFiles" Directory BEFORE your WPI will work as normal!!!

Move from wpiscripts directory:


To the NEW UserFiles directory!

Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI for short) is a hypertext application designed for giving users choice. While Windows XP offers many ways of customizing the setup process out of the box, its major drawback is the lack of being able to select which applications an end user may install. In the past, end users and administrators needed to either download the files manually, or create overly complex scripts that could only be used once. WPI allows you to create one image, which can then be custom configured, and optionally, automated, so that end users can install any applications.

WPI is a simple to use automation program for the choice and installation of multiple programs, tweaks and scripts. No longer will you need a dozen CD's or more when doing a fresh Installation. No longer will you need multiple files when you are servicing another PC. With Windows Post-Install Wizard all that you will need is 1 or 2 CD\DVD's to fully install your PC with all of your apps, scripts, registry files or tweaks. Instead of having to re-download those apps like adobe reader, flash or updates to programs you can have them all on one disk. With WPI you can have all of them all on one disk and then have a nice interface for selecting which apps to install and after configured properly WPI will install all of them without any needed input from you. WPI also and is commonly used added to your windows installation disks. This way you can automate the complete process of Windows and program installations.

With your typical setup of WPI you have your OS and all of the apps, tweaks and such on one disk. After windows installs, WPI kicks in and you are given a selection of everything you have configured WPI with, then you can select the ones you want or simply let the timer run out and your default apps will install.

Known Bugs\Issues!

You cannot minimize the installer window.

You cannot "click 'n drag to highlight items. Enabling this exposes a bug that causes instabilities.

The rewind button DOES NOT work on the media player... (Probably never has)

Nero 7 messes with the IE scripting engine and WPI will not work if Nero 7 has been installed or is currently installed. HOWEVER, This link to Nero Clean tool --> HERE has been reported to fix this issue. So if you wish to use WPI and have had Nero7 installed you will want to "clean" your system first.

Change log!!! (Below in the spoiler section)

v8.5 Updates - Released May 19th, 2012


* [Feature] {OS=...} filter for commands and {X86}/{X64} improvements.

Example: {OS=Win7,Vista} "%WpiPath%\Install\MyApplication\MyApplicationSetup.exe"

will execute the command only on Windows 7 and Vista (no XP, 2000 and previous).

* Fixed The commands toolbar worked with no command selected.

* Fixed Saving after command drag&drop breaks the commands list

* Updated the launcher to v1.0.3 to fix network installation issues.

* Made the Manual a "Optional" Button Like the readme button if there is no

Manual\manual.txt file the button dissapears.


Notes and Extras

Suggested disk folder layout:


With the above folder layout all your config entries should read like:

["%wpipath%\Install\Blah.exe" /switch]

Here is a small tutorial on how to add an app to WPI!

OK this is a sample (Very simple) configuration for CCleaner (A.K.A Crap Cleaner)

This assumes you have all of the WPI files either in the WPI folder at the root of your Windows cd or all of the WPI folders (Common, Graphics, WPIScripts, Tools, Install and Themes) and the file WPI.hta at the root of your cd.

Remember this is just the most basic and required entries for a program!

1. Download the app and place it in the WPI\Install Folder. (CCleaner.exe in this example)

2. Run WPI.hta and click on the ?Config? button\Icon area.

3. Go to the very top area above the config section and click on the button that says ?Add?

4. Enter in the name section ?CCleaner? No quotes! Then press the TAB button to activate the rest of the wizard.

5. You will notice the Unique ID (UID) section gets automatically filled in for you.

6. All apps are selected to be installed by default right from the start so if you don?t want it selected by default you must uncheck this box.

7. Choose a category for your app to be displayed in. If you want the app to be displayed in a category you don?t see simply chose other and a box will appear that will allow the entry of you choice.

8. In the commands tab click on "Add" at the controls area just right of the command line pane and then the the little folder icon and browse to your folder that contains the app, preferably the .\WPI\Install folder then select the CCleaner installer, this will place the appropriate path in the command line.

9. Add the necessary switch(s) for the program to run silently. For CCleaner the switch is /S so you would have your command line looks like so = "%wpipath%\Install\CCleaner.exe" /S (This can be easily done for most standard apps by simply clicking on the USSF button on the far right of the command line.) Other switches for apps that USSF cannot identify you can try looking at the forum section here = MSFN Application Installs section,

10. Select the Save and then the Exit buttons and you have now configured your first app!

After wards you configure WPI to run with your CD using whichever method you choose. We suggest using one of the pre compiled and nicely provided $oem$ (Source folder if your are using Vista or Server 2008) folders that can be found in the downloads section. Then you can use an app like nLite, vLite, CDImageGUI or the ISO Creator program included in the tools folder to make your CD w\WPI bootable again.


I seperated ALL themes except for the WIn7 and windows themes out from the main archive.

They can be gotten from:



Here is a quick start package that will set your windows disk up to use WPI after the desktop loads.

This is for use with all versions of Windows 2000, XP and 2003!

To make use of this archive all you need to do is unRAR it and place the %oem% folder beside the I386 and WPI folders.


Contents of the Post %OEM% archive:




Here is a quick start package that will set your windows disk up to use WPI with runonceex.

This is for use with all versions of Windows 2000, XP and 2003!

To make use of this archive all you need to do is unRAR it and place the %oem% folder beside the I386 and WPI folders.





This is for use with all versions of Windows Vista, Server 2008 and Windows 7!

To make use of this archive all you need to do is unRAR it and place the Sources folder at the root of your CD\DVD

Sources Folder.

Contents of the Sources archive:

setupcomplete.cmd (This needs to be several folders deep so I preset the folders for you)


Over 2000 .png images for your pleasure to use in your tooltips or whatever!

PNG Collection.


Please remember and donate!

Edited by Kelsenellenelvian
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Hi !

Thanks for the new version ....

However I think I have found a problem ...

usually if I start wpi.exe in a script like this:

start "" /wait "Z:\Setup\WPI\Wpi.exe"

the script will wait until wpi.exe is finished and all programs are installed.

Not with this new version.

WPI is started alright but the script procedes ... which is a real problem because I have a shutdown right after that command so WPI will start and windows then just shuts down ...

Any ideas what has changed ?

Seems like wpi.exe closes right after the start ...

The last version I used before this one was 8.1.0 so I am not sure if this is new to 8.4.6 or a version before but 8.1.0 didnt have this problem ...

Thanks for your help !


Edited by midiboy
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Hey Kel,

thanks for the new version.

The WPI.exe is reported to be Malware by AntiVir, but I already sent the file to them as it should be no virus. ;)

I also update german language file. Basically just deleted the Monitor strings like in english.

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With Norton Internet Security, I have a warning popup about wpiw.net web site.

But when I access to the welcome page and WPI is downloaded the file is secure and validate by Norton!


Many thanks Kels for the new WPI v8.4.6 working fine!

Edited by myselfidem
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Hey Kel,

thanks for the new version.

The WPI.exe is reported to be Malware by AntiVir, but I already sent the file to them as it should be no virus. ;)

I also update german language file. Basically just deleted the Monitor strings like in english.

Added lang file for next version Thanks!

WPI.exe? Been stripped to the bone! Might be missing some key resources they are looking for....

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kk wpi_versions yeah it has some questionable sh!t in it because of cmdow and OLD auto-it apps.

$OEM$ Old news I changed the oem file about a week ago....

The need to rescan it.

Dumb Nortons anyways....

YES! I think so... :yes: Thanks for your answer!

Btw, could you tell me how I can translate the WPI manual for French people!


Edited by myselfidem
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Hi !

Thanks for the new version ....

However I think I have found a problem ...

usually if I start wpi.exe in a script like this:

start "" /wait "Z:\Setup\WPI\Wpi.exe"

the script will wait until wpi.exe is finished and all programs are installed.

Not with this new version.

WPI is started alright but the script procedes ... which is a real problem because I have a shutdown right after that command so WPI will start and windows then just shuts down ...

Any ideas what has changed ?

Seems like wpi.exe closes right after the start ...

The last version I used before this one was 8.1.0 so I am not sure if this is new to 8.4.6 or a version before but 8.1.0 didnt have this problem ...

Thanks for your help !


Is your config.js file set inside the new folder: ..\WPI\UserFiles ?

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Hi !

Thanks for the new version ....

However I think I have found a problem ...

usually if I start wpi.exe in a script like this:

start "" /wait "Z:\Setup\WPI\Wpi.exe"

the script will wait until wpi.exe is finished and all programs are installed.

Not with this new version.

WPI is started alright but the script procedes ... which is a real problem because I have a shutdown right after that command so WPI will start and windows then just shuts down ...

Any ideas what has changed ?

Seems like wpi.exe closes right after the start ...

The last version I used before this one was 8.1.0 so I am not sure if this is new to 8.4.6 or a version before but 8.1.0 didnt have this problem ...

Thanks for your help !


Is your config.js file set inside the new folder: ..\WPI\UserFiles ?

Yes, but that doesnt have anything to do with the problem. Wpi starts with the right config but wpi.exe doesnt stay open. Only mshta.exe. Tahts different from earlier versions and doesnt work in my setup.

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Due to advancements needed to fix the ie errors some were getting the .exe had to be changed.

I am sorry if this has changed your scripts but please try to update your methods as we update.

Maybe call the rest of your cmd with the execute after?

Edited by Kelsenellenelvian
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Due to advancements needed to fix the ie errors some were getting the .exe had to be changed.

I am sorry if this has changed your scripts but please try to update your methods as we update.

Maybe call the rest of your cmd with the execute after?

Hi kel

This is really a major problem. Not only for an unattended installation. Even if i start wpi as an application installer i need to start it with a script so i can first look for network shares and if they exist connect them, then wait for wpi to finish and later disconnect the drives again. Waiting for a program to finish is the basis of any unattended installation process and making this impossible for a program that enables unattended installations is imho really bad. Wpi is much less flexible now, you cannot start it in any kind of script anymore. It doesnt make sense at all, why not leave wpi.exe open or at least let us call wpi.hta again like in earlier versions.

PS: Dont wanna be rude, it just really causes problems and I guess it will for a few people and it will make wpi less flexible to use so I dont think thats a good decision. Hope there is another solution ..

Edited by midiboy
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