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Starting Nlite manually?


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I have created an nlited custom install CD/DVD for Windows XP. OK, so my DVD is not working right, so I am proceeding with a 'manual' install from HD. My setups is such that I have 2 internal drives (IDE), with all the Nlite CD contents copied onto one drive, and the target is the other drive.

I managed to perform the install by manually running 'Setup.exe' on the root of my nLite install folder. Although it completed successfully, this does not seem to be a proper Nlite install. i did not see that 'final' dialog that appears within Windows where the DriverPacks are finalized etc. other things seem odd as well.

So the question: What is the correct process to amnually trigger the Nlited install from my hard drive? i think launching WINNT32.EXE would produce the same results?

Thanks for any help!

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I have created an nlited custom install CD/DVD for Windows XP. OK, so my DVD is not working right, so I am proceeding with a 'manual' install from HD.

You mean the physical device is not reading properly or is your media/install not working ?

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My DVD drive or cable are funky... the instal works perfectly on another computer with a good DVD. Can't swap. Plus, I'd really like to learn to do this from HDD media...!



I have created an nlited custom install CD/DVD for Windows XP. OK, so my DVD is not working right, so I am proceeding with a 'manual' install from HD.

You mean the physical device is not reading properly or is your media/install not working ?

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Thaks that's helpful info... I had tried winnt32 /unattend:winnt.sif but the files in $OEM$ would not get copied over.... will try info from your link.

The proper way is booting from winpe or your nlited dvd (you can boot an iso from hd using grub4dos).

Also i don't think it is a good idea to include the driverpacks as usually you only really need 2/3 mass storage drivers and 5/6 others drivers.

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