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KernelEx Apps Compatibility List (New)

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Good work, but...

:lol: aren't you suppose to fill the KernelEx Wiki: Compatible applications :D .

I second that. What is wrong with the current wiki?

Xrayer confirms the working uTorrent 2.0.2. I use 2.0.4, it's working too. On KX Wiki compatibility page I have seen the version 2.2.1. But it can be used only for uploads; when you start to download, for a while the application runs until it attempts to write the downloaded data from virtual memory onto hard drive. Then the program crashes. Since the version 2.2 there is a new method of writing files applied which uses some NT API call which is not implemented in KernelEx. Xeno, please, could you fix it?

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types 1.9.3 works with kernelex 4.5.1 It windows 2000 sp4 mode can be downloaded from: http://izt.name/soft/types/

Types is a simple freeware utility that allows you

to manage program associations, icons, context menus

and other properties of various file types in Windows.

I have installed it on my computer with windows 98 se and a pentium III with Net framework version 2.0.

A very handy program.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.9, KX 4.5, Win2k mode, notes: Backup MSVCRT.DLL before installing and then restore it

Of course, refer to for detailed information on installing the Reader ...

Now, here's how to install new language fonts :

1. When Acrobat Reader 7 says it needs to download a font, click "OK".

2. Find and download the installer script :

i) Look into file : %windir%\Application Data\Adobe\Acrobat\7.0\Updater\udlog.txt

ii) Find URL text and download, eg. : http://update.adobe.com/pub/adobe/acrobat/js/7x/rdr/win/enu/DataScript.js

2. Find and download the font installer :

i) Look into the above script file

ii) Find URL text and download, eg. : http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/7x/7.0.5/misc/alf_jpn.exe

3. Start the font installer, eg. : alf_jpn.exe

4. Wait at error : "This application requires Reader 7.0 installed ..."

(Note, with jumper's Kext (KStub) installed, you may succeed at this point, in which case, you can omit the remainder.)

5. Look for the font package in a subdirectory of %TMP% and copy to a safe place, eg. :

%TMP%\_is5250\Adobe Reader Japanese Fonts.msi

6. Click "OK" on above error message, then click "Finish"

7. Create a temporary directory to extract the font package, eg. :

md C:\temp.msi

8. Extract package using 'anti-msi.bat' (see note below) :

anti-msi adober~1.msi C:\temp.msi

9. Copy directory contents of 'C:\temp.msi\Common' to 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'

(Click "Yes to all" when prompted)

10. Copy directory contents of 'C:\temp.msi\program files' to 'C:\Program Files'

(Click "Yes to all" when prompted)

11. Execute (start/double-click) : C:\temp.msi\adober~1.msi

If the error "This application requires Reader 7.0 installed ..." appears :

i) Using Orca, delete action 'IsReader70' from table 'InstallUISequence'

ii) Save (beware of "Save As", it may omit stuff) and try it again.

Note, here's a sample 'anti-msi.bat' file :

@echo off
if $%1==$ goto Usage
if $%1==$/? goto Usage
if $%2==$ goto Usage
if $%2==$/? goto Usage
%windir%\system\msiexec /a %1 /qb /L*v %TMP%\msiexec.err TARGETDIR=%2
goto End
echo Usage : ANTI-MSI MSI_File Target_Directory
echo Note, Target_Directory needs to include the drive letter and path!


Edited by jds
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I hope you meant Opera 11.5.1, seeing as how 10.5 works without Kernelex. :)

That's good news though for all us Win9x users. KernelEx Lives!!!

I haven't gotten around to downloading it yet, but there's a brand new version of Firefox 3.6.21 that just came out yesterday.

Keep the faith everybody!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Adobe has released Flash Player 11 as a release candidate. Versions for Internet Explorer and other browsers are both available at Adobe Labs. The present RC version is 11,0,1,129. So far in limited testing, the player is working properly on my Pentium 4, 98SE unit with SeaMonkey 2.0.14. and K-Meleon 1.7a2. I haven't tried it on the older PCs (a P3 Compaq and a Celeron equipped HP). So far, I haven't got the flash player control panel applet to work on 98. Unless something changes between the release candidate and the normal releases, Flash Player 11 appears to be compatible with 98 and KEX.

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