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hey there,

I properly replaced the boot animation and texts with used Win7BootUpdater. Everything's working great, so now I need to replace the ISO files with the customized System32\bootres.dll and System32\winload.exe.

Bootres.dll can be easily replaced, but everytime I try to replace winload.exe I get a 0x8007080 error.

How to solve this issue?

Are those 2 files enough to make the boot work properly?



Windows is silly. Even though you are working in a System32 folder that is NOT the one for your OS (mounted WIMs do this too) Windows will still protect files in there against changing. Annoying huh? You can try to attrib -s -h on winload.exe, replace it and then attrib +s +h.


oh... I think I'm in love!

tks! :D

Don't waste your time I don't think it is going to work. I have tried number of method but none of them is working till now.

You can't change boot animation in pre-install.


Theres no way indeed... Looks like AutoIt will be my next try

I would be greatly interested how to go about it with autoit, I hope you would share your experience in this thread only if you get it work with autoit.


Here it is

Its a complete boot screen change (background and animation in both boot and resume screens), it must run in <FirstLogonCommand>.

Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", 1)
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)
Opt("WinWaitDelay", 250)
Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0)
Opt("MouseClickDelay", 1000)

WinWait("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")
If Not WinActive("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation") Then WinActivate("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")
WinWaitActive("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")
WinMove("Windows 7 Boot Updater","", 0, 0)
MouseClick("left", 145, 35)
MouseClick("left", 145, 45)
MouseClick("left", 145, 85)
MouseClick("left", 145, 115)
MouseClick("left", 145, 155)
WinWait("Selecionar pasta","Animation Information")
If Not WinActive("Selecionar pasta","Animation Information") Then WinActivate("Selecionar pasta","Animation Information")
WinWaitActive("Selecionar pasta","Animation Information")
ControlClick("Selecionar pasta", "Animation Information", 1001)
ControlClick("Selecionar pasta", "Animation Information", 1)
WinWait("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")
If Not WinActive("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation") Then WinActivate("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")
WinWaitActive("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")
MouseClick("left", 185, 200)
MouseClick("left", 185, 240)
MouseClick("left", 185, 255)
WinWait("Abrir", "Image Files")
If Not WinActive("Abrir", "Image Files") Then WinActivate("Abrir", "Image Files")
WinWaitActive("Abrir", "Image Files")
ControlClick("Abrir", "Image Files", 1148)
ControlClick("Abrir", "Image Files", 1)
MouseClick("left", 100, 50)
MouseClick("left", 185, 200)
MouseClick("left", 185, 240)
MouseClick("left", 185, 255)
WinWaitActive("Abrir", "Image Files")
ControlClick("Abrir", "Image Files", 1)
ControlClick("Abrir", "Image Files", 1)
MouseClick("left", 145, 465)
WinWait("Boot Update Sucess!","OK")
If Not WinActive("Boot Update Sucess!","OK") Then WinActivate("Boot Update Sucess!","OK")
WinWaitActive("Boot Update Sucess!","OK")
ControlClick("Boot Update Sucess!","OK", 2)
WinClose("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")


Wow Thanks,

Have you tested it? I guess the commands are in Spanish, never mind I would translate it; BTW what is "Selecionar pasta" in the script?

If I got it correctly you have put the animation file in "C:\Appz\Boot"

If you can explain a little bit about this script that would be very helpful for people like me who doesn't know much about the autoit scripts.

Thanks in advance


I've tested in VMWare.

Its in Portuguese.

Selecionar pasta = select folder

The boot animation, boot and resume background r on C:\Appz\boot, as well as win 7 boot loader

The mouse coords r for Windows classic mode

The script loads the animation, boot background (background.bmp) and the resume one from the folder above, applies the changes and closes the soft when it's done.

Do a step by step run with Scite to see what do what. It's a pretty simple script

Tell me if u need some help


Thanks mate,

I was also thinking that it can be done with autoit but I don't have the expertise to write a proper script for this, you really done a great job mate. I would get back to you once I would try it in vmware. Would you mind if I PM you?


Here's the update (corrected and MouseCoords)

WinWait("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")
If Not WinActive("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation") Then WinActivate("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")
WinWaitActive("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")
WinMove("Windows 7 Boot Updater","", 0, 0)
MouseClick("left", 145, 35)
MouseClick("left", 145, 45)
MouseClick("left", 145, 85)
MouseClick("left", 145, 115)
MouseClick("left", 145, 155)
WinWait("Selecionar pasta","Animation Information")
If Not WinActive("Selecionar pasta","Animation Information") Then WinActivate("Selecionar pasta","Animation Information")
WinWaitActive("Selecionar pasta","Animation Information")
ControlClick("Selecionar pasta", "Animation Information", 1001)
ControlClick("Selecionar pasta", "Animation Information", 1)
WinWait("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")
If Not WinActive("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation") Then WinActivate("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")
WinWaitActive("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")
MouseClick("left", 185, 200)
MouseClick("left", 185, 240)
MouseClick("left", 185, 255)
WinWait("Abrir", "Image Files")
If Not WinActive("Abrir", "Image Files") Then WinActivate("Abrir", "Image Files")
WinWaitActive("Abrir", "Image Files")
ControlClick("Abrir", "Image Files", 1148)
ControlClick("Abrir", "Image Files", 1)
MouseClick("left", 100, 70)
MouseClick("left", 185, 200)
MouseClick("left", 185, 240)
MouseClick("left", 185, 255)
WinWaitActive("Abrir", "Image Files")
ControlClick("Abrir", "Image Files", 1)
ControlClick("Abrir", "Image Files", 1)
MouseClick("left", 145, 475)
WinWait("Boot Update Success!","OK")
If Not WinActive("Boot Update Success!","OK") Then WinActivate("Boot Update Success!","OK")
WinWaitActive("Boot Update Success!","OK")
WinClose("Windows 7 Boot Updater","Animation")


Thanks again mate, Will you please post screenshot of your "boot" folder where you have put all your stuffs? I presume that there should be only one folder named "Animation Information" in which you must have put your 105 bmps.

After all "A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words", lol.

I hope you understand.


In the boot folder there's only 4 files: activity.bmp, background.jpg, resume.jpg and Win7BootUpdate.exe

"Animation Information" is a Win 7 Boot Updater button, not a folder name

The whole animation is one the 200x21000 activity.bmp file

Here's the most complete guide I found: How to change boot animation in Windows 7


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