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My system is Win98Se.

Installing kernelex4.5 makes my system freeze on bootup, so I need to reboot in safemode to uninstall.

Any ideas ?



it could be concerned to the system file kernel32.dll.

Read topic "KernelEx 4.5 Final" from post 1113 (rainyd) to post 1126 (Xeno86).


thanks for the hint,

I extracted kernel32.dll installation media to C:\Widows\Sysbckup.

Then I installed kernelex 4.5 and after reboot the same thing, explorer gui is coming up and then the the error messagge


EXPLORER ha provocato un errore di pagina non valida nel

modulo KERNEL32.DLL in 018f:bff9da91.


EAX=00e0ffdc CS=018f EIP=bff9da91 EFLGS=00010212

EBX=00e4ffbc SS=0197 ESP=00e0ffdc EBP=00e10024

ECX=00000000 DS=0197 ESI=81c34394 FS=355f

EDX=c0030948 ES=0197 EDI=81c370f4 GS=0000

Byte all'indirizzo CS:EIP:

53 56 57 89 65 e8 6a 1c 50 ff 75 08 e8 84 78 fe

Immagine dello stack:


after this shutdown with ALT- CTRL- CANC , reboot into safe mode, uninstall kernelex and reboot into normal mode.

the version of kernel32.dll is 4.10.2222.

the version of explorer.exe is 4.72.3612.1710

Any ideas how to debug?


I had copied (in december) the kernel32.dll of the install media to the WinME system folder with running Win XP. You also can try this with a linux Live CD or in DOS mode. For me it has solved the problem.

Do you have updated KernelEX or was it a fresh install?

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