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batch: trying to copy multiple files to multiple directories in one li

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As the Topic Title says, I want to copy multiple files to multiple directories, all in one line. The files doesn't necessarily have the same extensions and the directories are not necessarily similar. Example: I want to copy Test.txt, Test.html, Test.doc, Test.xls, and AnotherTest.txt to folders C:\Root\Documents, C:\Root\Folder and C:\Root\MoreDocuments.

I don't think there's a way to do this with a straight copy or xcopy command, correct? I mean, if I was using some form of wildcard for the file or folders, then maybe I might have something (i.e. copy *.txt C:\Root\Folder and/or an Exclusions list). If I'm copying a file to multiple folders, or multiple files to a folder, or -- in my case -- multiple files to multiple folders, I probably have to use a FOR loop, correct? The goal is to get it all in one line.

I thought, perhaps, I can use nested FOR loops to accomplish this, but I'm getting an error of "The syntax of the command is incorrect."

Here's the code(I am executing this from a batch file, NOT the command line prompt):

FOR %%X in (Test.txt Test.html Test.doc Test.xls AnotherTest.txt) DO
(FOR %%G in (Documents Folder MoreDocuments) DO COPY %%X %%G)

Why is this not working? I would appreciate any help or improvements. Thank you.

Update: Somewhat strange -- I had to move the opening parenthesis to the first line, probably because of a carriage return. Now the nested for loop works.

Still, I would be interested if there are other methods, better methods, perhaps one that just involves copy or xcopy.

Thank you.

Edited by poly4life
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I'm interested to know why you need this as a single line.

You said you were using a batch file, since that batch is doing the work and you are not typing multiple lines on each run I see no benefit in condensing the number of lines.

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What do you think about this?


FOR %%X IN (Test.txt Test.html Test.doc Test.xls AnotherTest.txt) DO (Call :CopyFiles %%X)

FOR %%G IN (Documents Folder MoreDocuments) DO (
ECHO Copying %1 to %%G
COPY /Y "%1" "%%G"> NUL


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I'm interested to know why you need this as a single line.

You said you were using a batch file, since that batch is doing the work and you are not typing multiple lines on each run I see no benefit in condensing the number of lines.

Because there may be a better way to do something, I ask the question. this is not a forum to rant, but memory is a luxury and code, in general, is not as tight as it was when memory was scarce. I'm not an expert, but I always want to learn and I'm willing to abandon my method if there is a better way.

Thank you.

Edited by poly4life
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What do you think about this?


FOR %%X IN (Test.txt Test.html Test.doc Test.xls AnotherTest.txt) DO (Call :CopyFiles %%X)

FOR %%G IN (Documents Folder MoreDocuments) DO (
ECHO Copying %1 to %%G
COPY /Y "%1" "%%G"> NUL


Wonderful. This will work. Thank you.

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Just for the record, you don't need /Y when using copy from within a batch:


Prompt to overwrite destination file

NT 4 will overwrite destination files without any prompt, Windows 2000 and above will prompt unless the COPY command is being executed from within a batch script.


Edited by jaclaz
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<snip />

I want to copy multiple files to multiple directories, all in one line.

<snip />

I would appreciate any help or improvements. Thank you.

<snip />

I would be interested if there are other methods, better methods, perhaps one that just involves copy or xcopy.

I'm interested to know why you need this as a single line.

You said you were using a batch file, since that batch is doing the work and you are not typing multiple lines on each run I see no benefit in condensing the number of lines.

Because there may be a better way to do something, I ask the question. this is not a forum to rant

I do hope that the remark you've made about a rant was not directed towards me for providing you with information which may have been of interest.

'Better' or 'tighter' code in a batch file may be faster running, less memory intensive, improved syntax etc. but less lines or more specifically one it will rarely be.

I do apologise for not knowing what this forum is for, especially embarrassing because I oversee it. :whistle:

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