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Nokia DKU-5 help

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I have a maxtor diamondmax 22, STM3500320AS, 500gb, f/w mx15, retail version 6 months old.

I think I have the bsy bug. Nothing is detected in bios, drive spins. Doesn't work on a different system. Iv'e tried to fix myself using an original nokia dku-5 cable. I cant identify what wires are which because the end is molded also there are no other guides with the same cable as mine. Coloured cables I have are - blue,white, black,red,yellow. Black is obviosly GND but i dont know TX RX. Nothing shows up on the hyperterminal, sometimes I get weird symbols when I play around with the wires. Can someone help me out. Sorry for another thread like this but im realy stuck

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I dont understand how to use hyperterminal. All I want to know is how to find out tx and rx. how do I do a loopback test to find out the right wires?

As said before: Read FGA #6 :whistle: Pay special attention to the link given there: http://buffalo.nas-central.org/wiki/Use_a_Nokia_Serial_Cable_on_an_ARM9_Linkstation

On that link you will find on the right hand side a picture for determining which wires is which.

ok I have found some sotware for loopback test. But none of the wires ive tried receive anything, could the cable be broken?

Yes/No/Maybe. First try all the other troubleshooting steps in the FGA. Read attentively # 4 and #5.

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So, ive now given up trying to recover the disk myself. However I got in touch with seagate and because my drive is a retail version they will recover it. They say they will repair the firmware. I have read in the FAQ's that the seagate engineers just format the disk. So I was thinking if it is wise that I get someone else to repair it, or do you guys think its safe to send it back to seagate?

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So, ive now given up trying to recover the disk myself.

What is the problem? Which part do you not understand? :unsure: It is really not that difficult. :yes:

However I got in touch with seagate and because my drive is a retail version they will recover it. They say they will repair the firmware. I have read in the FAQ's that the seagate engineers just format the disk. So I was thinking if it is wise that I get someone else to repair it, or do you guys think its safe to send it back to seagate?

If you are one of the "lucky" few whose drive is on the "we admit it is our fault"-list, you *might* be able to convince them to fix your drive AND do your data-recovery for free. The other 99% of you *might* also be able to convince them to fix your drive under guarantee, BUT they will send you a refurbished drive with NO DATA back, as their guarantee covers ONLY your drive, and NOT your data.

If they say they will recover your data they will :thumbup Then you only have to worry that the courier service there and back won't lose/damage destroy the disk :ph34r:

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I doubt its hard to do but, I dont want to waste anymore time and money trying to fix it, would have had to buy a new nokia cable and even then its not guaranteed to work. Might just take a risk and send it to them.

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I doubt its hard to do but, I dont want to waste anymore time and money trying to fix it, would have had to buy a new nokia cable and even then its not guaranteed to work. Might just take a risk and send it to them.

What exactly did not work? Did you managed to identify the right wires through the given link?

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Even though the cable is the same model as in the picture, the wires were different colours, also the two ends were moulded so i could not see the connections to identify them. The loopback test could not show anything either. The amount of time ive spent fiddleing with it its probably shorted and broken for good now anyway

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Even though the cable is the same model as in the picture, the wires were different colours, also the two ends were moulded so i could not see the connections to identify them. The loopback test could not show anything either. The amount of time ive spent fiddleing with it its probably shorted and broken for good now anyway

If you opened up the end that would normally go into the phone, you can see which wires is connected from which pins, and thereby determining which is which. The colours are unfortunately not standard due to different manufacturers. Do you have the right drivers installed? if you fiddle with the side you cut off, there is not too much chance of damaging something serious. If the wires on the USB are loose, you have to fix them again. It is worth a try! :yes:

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I tried to look at the wires to where they were connected but both ends were so encased with plastic its impossible to see. It was an official cable i was using the right driver and windows xp. Ive tried all combinations of wires ive come to the conclusion its broke. Will leave to someone with the right tools.

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I tried to look at the wires to where they were connected but both ends were so encased with plastic its impossible to see. It was an official cable i was using the right driver and windows xp. Ive tried all combinations of wires ive come to the conclusion its broke. Will leave to someone with the right tools.

Normally the cheap chinese clones are easy to open on the phone side. If you cut off the phone end about 2 cm (1') from the connector you can happily cut away the plastic with your favourite knife without needing to worry that you will damage the other side (can't guarantee the same for your fingers :whistle: ). You just need to see what colour wires are connected to those pins to identify it on the other side.

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