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Keeping all Vista Versions Available


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I would like to update my Vista DVD but as I often reinstall on various friends and families computers, I would like to keep the option to install all the versions (Ultimate, Home Premium, Home Basic, Business etc etc).

So having read these forums, I get the idea that when applying all the updates I can:

1. Choose any of the versions e.g. Ultimate to update with all the latest .msu files

2. Choose to "rebuild all" instead of just the version I chose a few steps earlier (e.g. Ultimate)

Is that correct that I will now have each of the versions fully updated and available to install depending on the product key on the computer I want to install it on?

If not, then is there an easy way to make it so?


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Actually I was partially correct.

I successfully applied all the post sp2 critical updates choosing Ultimate version of vLite.

I then chose to "rebuild all" and not just Ultimate.

Then I created the DVD and installed Ultimate. A Windows Update check showed only 12 important updates were needed (mostly .net type stuff)

I then formatted the computer and installed Home Premium using the same DVD. The install was flawless. However a Windows update check showed 68 important updates were needed.

Now I guess I could just go back into vLite and update Home Premium, Home Basic, Business etc but that would take forever.

Does anyone know of a way to update "all the versions" in one foul swoop?


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  • 5 months later...

don't select to rebuild the image at at end. this keeps all editions.

Hi MagicAndre1981

Thank you but as I understand it, then only one of the editions will be updated right?

What would be good is a way to update all the editions at the one time or perhaps that is not possible.



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