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Integrating Favorites (Bookmarks) in IE8 to a UaDVD of XPSP3?


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hello. this is what i've managed to do so far: i can integrate my favorites bookmarks into a redist of IE8 using the IEAK8 software. however after it's done its thing i don't know where the links to the favorites are in the new IE8 installer (this becomes important later).

independent of this i've successfully integrated IE8 into an unattended version of XPSP3 (i tested it out). it was one of the special addon files that one forum member has made and NOT the MS installer which doesn't integrate. it's called "ProgramAddons Internet Explorer 8.0"

now, my thinking is that i could substitute the IE8.exe package in "ProgramAddons Internet Explorer 8.0" for the one with the integrated favorites. however it's not that straightforward.

so my question is, can i import all my bookmarks (which number close to 100) into an integrated version of IE8 or is there another place apart from the winnt.sif file where you have to type each link individually?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I know it's a dirty solution but this might work.

Compress your bookmarks to a .cab file and after the install unpack them to your favorites folder.

You can use RunOnceEx for this or GuiRunOnce.

Surely there are more ways to do this.


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if $Docs ans $Progs are Documents and Settings and Program Files respectively. what is the location for the Favourites folder? Or to run it from RunOnceEx?

Update: I've just finished making an SFX of my bookmarks and pleased to say it works. i set the SFX to silent, with an absolute path to my Favorites folder.

Edited by chyronn
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  • 9 months later...

i use this in the winnt.sif file:


Title1 = Hotmail.url

URL1 = https://www.hotmail.com/

Title2 = Facebook.url

URL2 = https://www.facebook.com/

Title3 = BarclaysBank.url

URL3 = https://ibank.barclays.co.uk/

yeah i know about that one, it's written in the unattended guide. but as i said i don't want to be typing out 100s of urls, besides, i've grouped my urls according item and subject.

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