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Deployment Issues

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Hi all,

Currently i am developing my own custom windows 7 deployment set. What i am currently doing is creating a window 7 64bit install with all of my software and updates installed etc syspreping it with relevent information for a silent install then creating a wim image of it.

To deploy that image I am booting into a custom WinPE 3.0 boot which them wipes the drive, gives you choices for username, key etc deploys the image then adds the relevent information about the username into the sysprep file. Adds the boot information and restarts.

So the computer then goes through sysprep.

Now. What I am wondering is, am i going to get any errors deplying this across a range of computers? (Apart from of course drivers for certain computer parts, which can be added into the image.) Is there anything that i could come cross that would not let the image deploy successfully? Or not let windows boot? Will i get any hal errors or will windows take care of that? If there is how would i get around the issue and fix it?

I'm sorry if my question is not worded very well. Any help is greatly appriceated.

Thanks CalBoy

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